Roseman's Closet-Grow Tutorial

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Now you right up my alley. I have 7.5 tap water with 350-375 ppm . Personally I use cal-mag the help the plants as hard water seems to limit the natural uptake and cal-mag gives it to the plants chelated (sort of like partially digested or in smaller bits the plants roots can absorb.). I'd at least have it handy if problems arise. Maybe try to 1/2 dose it and see what happens.

I did the water hauling for awhile but decided to take it easy on myself and try tap water 15' away from the grow room and adjust as needed. I also use GH flora series nutes with hard water micro with good success.

am i doing it right my plants are on the second week of flowering?
1. remove plant from bucket

2. empty old water

3. PH the new water starting at 7, and ph it to around 5.5 to 6.

4. add nutes
ive been using botanicare products at half dose into the 2nd week of flowering while using 3 gal bucket stealth bubblers:

problend bloom 45 ml
sweet 12 ml
liquid karma 15 ml
cal mag 15 ml
hygrozime 15 ml
nitrozyme 12 ml

5. regulate the ph to back at 6

this above all works but when i check my ppm.... it is up at 1900ppm for my nutes being at half strength... so i empty out half of the water and replace it lowering the ppm down to around 1300 is this right? ....then rePH to 6..

by this time im like this...:o I FEEL LIKE I JUST POURED ALL THE GOOD NUTES OUT.... maybe i should be doing 1/3 or something

am i doing it right? or should i be going full strength??
am i doing it right my plants are on the second week of flowering?
1. remove plant from bucket

2. empty old water

3. PH the new water starting at 7, and ph it to around 5.5 to 6.

4. add nutes
ive been using botanicare products at half dose into the 2nd week of flowering while using 3 gal bucket stealth bubblers:

problend bloom 45 ml
sweet 12 ml
liquid karma 15 ml
cal mag 15 ml
hygrozime 15 ml
nitrozyme 12 ml

5. regulate the ph to back at 6

this above all works but when i check my ppm.... it is up at 1900ppm for my nutes being at half strength... so i empty out half of the water and replace it lowering the ppm down to around 1300 is this right? ....then rePH to 6..

by this time im like this...:o I FEEL LIKE I JUST POURED ALL THE GOOD NUTES OUT.... maybe i should be doing 1/3 or something

am i doing it right? or should i be going full strength??

Well...your ppm's may be a little high for just the second week of flowering. Look at you plants and see if you notice any coloring over the next couple of days. If you don't and they keep growing strong...let em grow. And just like New Growth should mix all nutes in first then PH down your nute soup. Good luck Bro!
ait well i always do ph after i add the nutes.

"Measure your ppm after you add the pro-blend only. That is your ppm we worry about. The rest is what it is." -mostlycrazy (thx +rep)

but i guess from now on i'm only going to worry about the ppm unless the pureblend pro is over the ppm mark? so now im going to.....

1. remove plant from bucket

2. empty old water

3. PH the new water starting at 7, and ph it to around 5.5 to 6.

4. add nutes
ive been using botanicare products at half dose into the 2nd week of flowering while using 3 gal bucket stealth bubblers:

problend bloom 45 ml
-mix- THEN PPM check according to stage
sweet 12 ml
liquid karma 15 ml
cal mag 15 ml
hygrozime 15 ml
nitrozyme 12 ml

5. regulate the ph to back at 6

And i need tubes to the netted pots for what????
Have grown dwc for 4 grows now and never needed feeding tubes!

Well don't NEED anything, you can choose to run tubes to your net pots because you will have a constant trickle that runs over your roots before they hit the water. This will not only make your plant grow faster, but it will grow more lush then in my experience in DWC. Here you will see a Big Buddha's Cheese strain that was started 4 days ago and it has already hit the water. I also use the LST method for training my plants and I have found that having tubes will support all the new root growth from the new colas i am creating during the training period.

7 days from seed

Hey...very nice man. Good work! Do whatever works best for you. My seedling is a runt...but not bad for 4 days......and it looks like you got your system dialed in. If you are ever interested...I have a spare parts you can have if you want to try a little experiment. I also noticed that your container is smaller than mine. I am in a 5 gallon bucket and have just found it better for ME to use the feeder and tubes. I'm just here to spread Love, Knowledge and buds man. Keep up the good work.
Wow roseman!

Why does your threads always get highjacked

P.S. Hey Mindmelted, love the wickedjester pic.
Holy cow man. I have been working all week on my 5 gallon bucket, and my 18 gallon tub, and my grow room, and now its all done....sike.

After reading this I am going to buy 2 pumps and hubs and get to gettin!

I am following this thread verbatim with my grow haha, thanks man

stay smokin!
Great thread Roseman! Do you top your plants in your bubbleponics system?

BTW +rep for the detailed info.
I started this thread as a TUTORIAL, I wanted to help new growers learn how to grow a very rapid 13 week grow in a 5 gallon bucket or a 8 gallon reservoir tank. I labeled it as a Tutorial, but that word must be GREEK to several dozen posters.
Because my other bubbleponics thread has grown to 1292 pages, 12,000 posts, it has become impossible for a newbie to go there and learn anything, it is too long to read it all. I attempted to start a new thread, instead of adding to that one, to circumvent all the bull shit off-topic conversations.

I posted here ELEVEN TIMES to please go to the other thread to ask questions, to go to the BubbleHead Thread OR the SH Bubbleponics thread, and ONE, maybe two polite civil, literate posters were able to read those ELEVEN request. A couple dozen other posters were not able to read and comprehend the polite requests. I can only assume they have a literacy and comprehensive reading problem. I have remained polite and patient for two weeks in this thread, but I can no longer hold my tongue.
Several members were adult, polite, and considerate and gave me advise and were helpful.
Several members were adult, polite, and considerate and gave me compliments and just posted SUBSCRIBED.
POST # 183, tells me about his Soil Growing.
Post # 201, another hi-jacking and conversation that continues but does not include me.
Post # 186 starts posting his grow in my thread, complete with pics.
Several others decide to post their pics of their grow in MY tutorial.
I post warning after warning in several posts about the need to use a good pesticide to deter insects, bugs, pests, etc, I mention using Home Defense twice and then someone asks me what do I do about gnats and larvae in post # 25.
In the very middle of this thread, Someone asked me what nutes was I going to use and I already had answered that on post # 10.

In Post # 6 and again in post # 60 I posted three pictures of my MYLAR and how I hung my MYLAR and all about MYLAR as a reflective material, giving details about MYLAR. In big bold letters it says Reflectivity, Reflection of Light at the top of the post, and a few pages later, Post # 180 someone ask me what do I use for reflective material and if that was MYLAR in the pic. I mean he really did.

I posted in Post # 6 that I hung a blanket over the window and blinds and then had someone tell me I need to put blinds behind the blanket. Post # 16 Check it out, I am not kidding.

In post # 151, I was asked about water for SOIL. IN a Hydroponics Bubbleponics Thread????

Twice someone posted in my thread "I know this is probably not the proper place to put this but...." like in post # 110

Post # 101 says he can't find the place to tell SH he is a BubbleHead, and he does not even display the BubbleHead logo. In Post #103, 104, 105, 106 the discussion continues through posts # 112 and 113 and someone else hijacks my thread again and advises him.
Post # 96 tells me he just ordered an AeroFlow 20 (whatever that is) and in post # 98 a hi-jacker advises him about it. In post # 99, he continues the discussion back and forth.

Someone posted that they just got an aero system, (why in a Bubbleponics tutorial thread, I do not know) and asked me about my CFL recommendations, after I posted about water pumps, and failed to see my CFL TUTORIAL in my signature. I WAS going to post my hanging up of the lights today, and discuss lights, lumens and CFLs.

I posted in great detail with many pics how to clean and calibrate a pH meter, and I do not know any reason it would not work on any other pH meter, and then someone asked me TWICE, TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE, if that would work on any pH meter, like I knew what kind of meter he was talking about. # 57 and # 58

14 times I was asked a question, and my name was referenced, like "Hey Roseman, where did you get that ........" and 14 times someone else answered it for me.
Post # 163 asks me what is RO water, and I already explained that in my WATER post. Post # 164, someone else answers him.

And look at post # 177 and try to explain that post?????

Post # 168, something about a bathroom joke and using the kitchen sprayer????. WHAT KITCHEN SPRAYER????
in Post # 155 and in 5 other posts, friends and BubbleHeads remind the newbies that they are hi-jacking my thread, but no one seems to care. it just continues on and on and on.
Post # 151, a member has to ask a different member a question, and starts a conversation and hi-jacks my thread again.
I count at least 21 times my thread has been hi-jacked after I posted and posted and posted this is not a discussion thread for off topic discussions.
In post # 217 someone asks someone else (beside me) to show him a pic of his chiller, IN MY THREAD????
POST # 224 ASKS ME IF I AM TOPPING THEM????? the day after they sprouted???? LOL
AND IN POST # 220, the newbie who asked me how to get a BubbleHead discount and does not display the BubbleHead logo, and has continually hi-jacked my thread 4 or 5 times already, ASK ME WHY DOES MY THEAD KEEP GETING HI-JAKCED????
Look at page 21, and page 22, TWO FULL PAGES OF POSTS, scroll down THE TWO PAGES, and tell me Who's thread is this? WHAT IS THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD? What is the topic of discussion on pages 21 and page 22?

Of the 270+ posts here, 70 0f them are from me.

Now let me ask you all one simple question. How do you think this makes me feel?

ONE MORE QUESTION, is all that bullshit off topic discussions and hi-jacking going to help this thread to be easily read? Ever heard of defeating the purpose? (opps that was a thried question)
some more questions, what part of this copied and psted from previous posts here did you not undertand:

Ask me or the BubbleHeads at :
Questions about Bubbleponic Growing Thread
where to get those supplies and what to expect to pay.

QUESTIONS will be answered faster here:
Questions about Bubbleponic Growing Thread

IF you display the BUBBLEHEADS logo in your signature, you get a 10% discount.

If you have to ask questions, or start a discussion off topic, go here:

Questions about Bubbleponic Growing Thread

and I have to accept that someone, a MOD, comes here often and diminishing my pics to thumbnails.
and I have to accept that I got an Infraction, (a reprimand) for something I said in a PM.
and I have to accept that I get dissed everyday here for trying to be helpful as any member can be.

And if you are offended by this post, how do you think YOUR hijacking and YOUR off topic discussions, and your questions that were already answered in detail previously make me feel?

Maybe I am just an old man that doesn't understand the manners (or lack of) of young people..
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