Rosey's Grow~~check out my plants!


Well-Known Member
not much. tired. getting high. gonna pass out in about an hour. so stick around. chat. :) check out my update i just did an hour ago. :)


Well-Known Member
hey stew, shit I'm sorry about last night, my bro asked me to hang on the porch and have a cig with him and then needed to talk so...:)

I tried to post on my cell from the porch but the fucker wouldn't connect:evil:

gotta be there for him, he's my bro and damn, he's being so sweet about letting me live with him. He even cooks dinner a lot! made some Thai beef and rice...mmm mmm good!!!


Well-Known Member
aw yeah you said you were whooped lol

seen dank? was supposed to see him at 10:30...guess he's runnin behind again lol

he's such a goober;)


Well-Known Member
Can't get this damn video to work. Him and I have been texting all night trying to sort this shit out. I can't get the right app to have him transfer it to me.


Well-Known Member
He's such a goob, tell him to upload to google drive and send you the link LMAO
tell him Peach said to try it!;) wasn't it youtube said it was high def and could not upload?
google drive shouldn't give him that problem.


Well-Known Member
WHat did i miss? lol... No video. dank went to bed early i think. not sure. haven't heard from him in a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah? well alrighty then. Gonna go smoke a blunt and then I'll probably crash myself. That goob. Tell him if you talk to him first that I said "SHITASS"

later man;)
I'll be back, just cooler outside right now than inside :)
I'll check in on my phone if it will let me


Well-Known Member
Can't get this damn video to work. Him and I have been texting all night trying to sort this shit out. I can't get the right app to have him transfer it to me.
Have you tried uTorrent? private IP, password, phone to phone, should work, right?


Well-Known Member
just got back...had to get a shower and wash some dishes. They told me not to do anything at all but I can't be eating here and living here and not at least wash some dishes or something! LOL
just not my way man...things are a lot better now for real;)