Rosey's Grow~~check out my plants!


Well-Known Member
Was going to post some pics of my two outdoor plants but the fuckin RIU won't let me!!!! grrrrrrr!!!!:cuss::cuss::cuss:

Fuckin flowers are small as shit, not enough light where he put them:evil:
guess I should be glad I have anything considering....:roll:


Well-Known Member
Boy I like how you've been avoiding me you shitass! Hadn't seen you not 1 time on the thread.. :( Oh well, guess you 4 gots about me.. I see how you are.. hahaha.. where you been hiding out at :??:
Was going to post some pics of my two outdoor plants but the fuckin RIU won't let me!!!! grrrrrrr!!!!:cuss::cuss::cuss:

Fuckin flowers are small as shit, not enough light where he put them:evil:
guess I should be glad I have anything considering....:roll:


Well-Known Member
Boy I like how you've been avoiding me you shitass! Hadn't seen you not 1 time on the thread.. :( Oh well, guess you 4 gots about me.. I see how you are.. hahaha.. where you been hiding out at :??:
I'm here!!!! :) it's been a crazy day! sheweee! packing, driving, finally seeing my family after a week, we are so happy to see each other :) it feels great coming home to my family :)
I PROMISE I'm not avoiding you silly;) just crazy days for Peach honey...crazy days...saw my sweet little Mandi get married Saturday to that adorable husband of her's and saw the babies,
then finally home now :)

Ya know, I hear email is faster;)


Well-Known Member
I will be the 1st to reply to your update.. ;) I like "feedback" myself, so I will give you some feedback.. cool beans :??:

1st. Where's the PK :??: Did I miss it, or have you took her already :??:
If so, you got pics :??: Cause you know the saying, "pics or it didn't happen".. haha.. :mrgreen:

The other 2 are looking good. I bet you can't wait to harvest those! ;)


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to stop by Peach and say hello and great job I am chopping my girl tomorrow, It seems it took forever this run I guess because my first grow was only took nine weeks to finish and this one was like 11 weeks, Hope your doing well and getting enough sleep


Well-Known Member
I will be the 1st to reply to your update.. ;) I like "feedback" myself, so I will give you some feedback.. cool beans :??:

1st. Where's the PK :??: Did I miss it, or have you took her already :??:
If so, you got pics :??: Cause you know the saying, "pics or it didn't happen".. haha.. :mrgreen:

The other 2 are looking good. I bet you can't wait to harvest those! ;)
I harvested the last plant already. ; it was the last bagseed I had indoors.
I am really looking forward to harvesting them, my first Sour Diesel!!!! woohoo!!!


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to stop by Peach and say hello and great job I am chopping my girl tomorrow, It seems it took forever this run I guess because my first grow was only took nine weeks to finish and this one was like 11 weeks, Hope your doing well and getting enough sleep
hey man! Exciting days!!!! You must let me see those buds you harvest;)
I'm trying buddy, got in bed a little earlier but still not up till after 2. Kid called me at 5:30 am this morning thinking I was on Facebook!:o then the phone kept ringing!!
ah well, I'll try again tonight;)


Well-Known Member
Well damn...I woke up ready to start the day cigarette free...and then...I had to buy a pack :(
the male gender mystifies the fuck out of me sometimes;)
wait...make that ALL the time! LOL

Finally getting somewhere with moving on with my life. A peaceful quiet day here in Peachland:)


Well-Known Member
peach stopped growing and updating "Rosey's Grow" which is currently?? lol

If you Grow and show, They will come.
If you Grow and show, They will come.
If you Grow and show, They will come.
If you Grow and show, They will come. :)

get it? lol


Well-Known Member
But I'm still here! I try not to bother ya'll when ya wanna talk "shop" ya know..I figure if I come back to my thread, maybe I can stay out of the way;)lol
we'll see...;)


Well-Known Member
peach stopped growing and updating "Rosey's Grow" which is currently?? lol

If you Grow and show, They will come.
If you Grow and show, They will come.
If you Grow and show, They will come.
If you Grow and show, They will come. :)

get it? lol
So...basically what you are saying is...If I grow and show, they will come? LMFAO ;)
I posted an update but only you and one other person saw it LOL


Well-Known Member
Lol, I saw your Sour D update. I always check your threads weither I say something or not, always lerkin'. I'm just not much of a talker, unless I get messed up.

Then I just get messed post two things then pass out HAHA. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy!!! yeah, I was doing that for a minute myself;) had so much going on and the internet kept fucking up on me:evil:but I'm back now;)