Well this I know about....... I use a rotary but sometimes the wheel gets stuck. Also depends on how you care for the plants for total yield. This is great because I get get 200+ plants about under 2 1000watt lights. It is like bending them around the light or having a tray above and one below with another filing in the sides. Hard to explain but I love it until it comes to the point where you have to get to the middle plants. Kind of a hassle but if you have the cash that is the way to go. More plants less space and from just my experience i get more yield. I think the way they hang has something to do with it. The machine is based off Geometry. Something for you to research My420. Here is a picture of a 1000 watt setup. This one holds 120 plants. I have the 240 plant site one and also they have a 360 plant site one here is the link for it. When space is a real issue and you still need yield. This is the best thing out there if you can afford it.
and here are what they say about it.. Makes sense.
Fully automated, maintenance free and easy to operate.
Maximum growth, minimum time.
Energy savings. Save approximately 50% on energy costs using half the lights needed to grow conventionally.
Minimum space requirements. Save approximately 2/3 the space compared to growing flat.
Year round farming. Grow fresh, clean, quality produce anywhere, anytime.
Direct light source. Maximum light resulting to increased plant growth. No loss of efficiency due to reflectors.
Adjustable light source. All B-pod models come with a light source that is vertically and horizontally adjustable also resulting to increased plant growth.
Better use of CO2, due to it’s partially closed design.
Precision machined with reliable industrial quality. Although designed for industrial/commercial applications, we have three (3) models to accommodate personal applications as well.
Expandable. Upgrade from a B-Pod 120 to a 240 or to a 360 by simply purchasing our expansion kits.
Ultraviolet protected (UV) plastic. Our plant trays are made of ultraviolet protected durable plastic, which do not dry, break, or release any contaminants.
Quick and easy assembly. All B-pod models can be assembled within an hour.