Rotational Grow Set up, 3 sections, stadium flowering


Well-Known Member
Super anxious to start flowering, 5 of my little women (hopefully) are on their 8th nodes at less then 5" high. Same old same old,
Everyone got a dose of tea today, I've seen marked improvement in using my compost tea in the control/experimental groups.

Here's the skinny....
419-1 Day 25
I did some different things to a few different plants to see what sticks. On one of the girls I've been doing some very light leaf arranging in order to promote light penetration. I pruned 3 of the girls of a couple petals of fan leaves for light penetration, and one of them I'm not touching at all for the control. after a few days you can make your own opinions.

lightly lst'edSANY0193.jpg

419-2 Day 19
Been letting the girls do their thing, I've got 4 under the MH and the rest under CFL's they were virtually identical plants when I switched lighting.
1000W MHSANY0195.jpg
It looks to me like pretty equal growth however it seems on the CFL's it is promoting more shoot growth rather then stretchiness. Putting a pretty good case to me to use CFL's for all my vegging.

Wonder Woman-3 *clones* Day 10
2 clones in this batch. Both of these girls rooted nicely, I've got them all transplanted and put into the CFL veg room for now.

NYPD-4 (New York Purple Diesel *clones* Day 7
2 clones in this batch
Still no roots on these girls, we shall wait and see.

Blueberry-5 *clones* Day 3
In the dome doing what they do... 4 clones in this batch

Wonder woman-5 *clones* Day 3
Same as above 2 clones in this batch


Well-Known Member
Well on our way to flower time, sex is just starting to show, and I've got a pretty good educated guess as to the male/female plants with my 40x loupe. We shall see, I'm guessing in less then a week pistils will form.

Pulled off the ventilation pipe in the back yesterday to let the fan free blow into the basement, no reason to waste the heat. I'm picking up a big 400+CFM fan this week to help with the rest of the heat issues. Still haven't built my little evaporative cooler, but I may do that today.

Here are some early (bad) pics of the sex organs

And the update.

419-1 day 28
These are bushy, and tons of nodes It looks like I have a girl with 11 petals forming already. I'm really excited to see the buds on them. I've stil got 2 of these girls up in the CFL cabinet, mostly cause I don't have room, but there growth is very different, it will be neat to see all the differences.

419-2 Day 22
These plants just don't want to get any taller, I'm wondering if I want to veg in CFL and run SOG in the stadium... just a thought, I will test by throwing a few of these little ones out into the flower fray once we start.
It's pretty obvious that the plants are growing very differently from CFL to MH, but we will see what works out best for my growing style.

WW-C-3 Day 13
These are bouncing back well. Nice cm or so of new growth, however I'm a little worried about the stem supporting any weight, they have been stunted so long the lower stem is hard... We shall see, I think I'm going to try one more cloneing once they are big enough then throw these into flower.

NYPD-C-4 Day 7
Both of these took root 2 days ago, they were transplanted and are showing good signs of recovery, same problems as above, but we will see if the clones can be restored back to their former glory.

BB-C-5 Day 6
spritzing twice a day, still no roots, however good signs of yellowing on a couple of them.

NYPD-C-6 Day 6
Same as above.


Well-Known Member
Results of the MH vs. CFL can be seen here

Here's the update.
419-1 Day 30
One month in and they are looking very nice indeed. I've got some 11 petal leaves coming in as well as a few triploid nodes, I've LST'ed all of the girls on the sides of the buckets, and I may continue with this or add a screen, I don't know that it matters as long as I keep the cola's as even as possible.

419-2 Day 24
These Girls are a going, The MH vs. CFL is pretty obvious winner to the CFL on just vigor, here is the pic (the one in front it the CFL, the one behind is MH)
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Otherwise, bushy mc Bush Bush. I topped one plant at the 3rd true node. We shall see how that works out, rather then just letting them go wild.
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SANY0222.jpgView attachment 1800725

WW-C-3 Day 15
These little girls have been putting out a doog amount of new growth, I have high hopes for these little ladies.

NYPD-C-4 Day 9
Starting to show new growth on the tops, looking better after the clone transplant

BB-C-5 & NYPD-C-6
These all took root today! I've repotted them into small pots for the time being, and put them under the MH to stretch (they are very short) 100% Clone rate so far!


Well-Known Member
Well my neglected Grow Journal... I have been in and out, had people "watch" my plants for a few short times, and been traveling. I've got a bunch of new pictures of the flowering and the original clones are in flower as well now.

These were taken on 10-31 (day 19 of 12/12) Purple Trichomes

11-6 (day 25 of 12/12)

More to come, as soon as I get some time :)


Well-Known Member
So I've had some problems with a K deficiency, I believe I've got it fixed now, however I think at least 1 may not make it to full term. There is quite a bit of stunting, I don't know how I missed the K def, at first I thought it was Nitrogen, then Cal/Mag, and by they time I figured out the K problem I had already lost a lot of fan leaves and stunted growth. It happened so fast, literally 3 days and boom no more leaves. Pretty disappointing, however the real crop is starting to come though now anyways. I have 1 Wonderwoman and 1 Purple Diesel coming into full flowering now.

Here's the one that got hit the worst... (5th week)

This one his had the best production, however still got quite a bit of K def. (5th week)

This big girl here has fared the best, there is a couple of really nice colas on her. (5th week)

I've got the Wonderwoman, and Purple Diesel 2 each in veg, 1 each in flower (3rd week)

And Purple Trichome porn.

So anyone, think I should harvest the spindly one now? wait a few more days and see if she turns around? I'm up in the air, It looks so far gone I think I should harvest, I'm really worried the necrosis is going to affect the bud mass soon. And she is frosty :) any experience?


Well-Known Member
So heading into Week 6, I got a new 400CFM can fan, and ducting, and did a little bit of a remodel on the Flower room. I pulled out the last stadium, and pulled the second shelf out a bit. This gives me just as much room, and now I can store my nutrient tea under my girls along with the 5 gallon buckets of water I'm constantly hauling around the house.


The 419 is coming right along, it looks like I may get some foxtailing, we shall see. Purple trichomes have almost all been sucked into the interior of the buds, hardly any purple trichs showing now.

419 Day 43 Flowering

Wonder Woman-1 Day 29 Flowering

Purple Diesel-1 Day 29 Flowering

I put a Wonder Woman, and a Purple Diesel into flower today, they are nice and bushy, but before I did; I took 5 clones off of each and threw them into the cloning chamber :)

I may start flushing in the next week. How long do you guys think? Please comment!



Well-Known Member
Hey there! Subbed up for the ride...looking good so far man! Looks like you hit some problems ( and got them diagnosed )....fingers crossed that you get some rreally nice product at the end! I would wait another week before 29 seems early to start flushing to me...


Well-Known Member
Hey! yeah I've got them fixxed now. And I'm only talking about the Day 43's not the Day 29's Lol. I would never chop before 50+ days, but they are getting close :)


Well-Known Member
Well I harvested all of the 419 and ended up with about 4 ounces dried all said and done. Not bad for the first grow in the new room. Things are definatley getting dialed in. Here are the harvest Pics

(From last month)

I've been putting in 2-3 purple diesel into flower every 2 Weeks. I'm trying a few different techniques to see how the yield is. Right now I've got a few SOG a few topped and FIMMED and a few LST'ed. I'll post pics of the Purple D after I get some time. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
I harvested the first 2 Purple Diesel plants on Christmas, The smoke has been amazing, tastes like a fruit roll-up took a shit in my mouth.
Purple Diesel Harvest #1
So... I've finally got the babies on a regular perpetual harvest, I've fiddled around a bit with the room, adding some extra light reflection and bought a new MH (what a crazy difference) so I'm pretty excited to see the change, I can already tell with the new crop coming in I have more yield, and the one behind that is almost a league of their own.

It's kinda neat to see the room evolve as it has, right now I'm running 3 strains Wonder Woman, Purple Diesel, and Blueberry (yes original frickin blueberry from a 10yr old mother.)
I am putting in the next 3 plants into flower on the 3rd, then 14 days later, etc.

Wonder Woman should be ready in a couple of weeks, LST'ed to hell with a little tree trunk. this plant is only about 10" tall and pretty solid with buds.
And this baby is sitting with 3 plants in the big pot that I LST'ed to have 2 cola's a piece. This is amazingly frosty at less then 30 days.

Purple Diesel coming in, with some heavy dense buds, purple is just starting to come out.
And 2 more LST'ed with under 30days of flower

This is the original blueberry, it's genetics have been going so long the leaves have some kind of slight deformity, however the bud is supposed to be amazing blueberry, it's genetics have been going so long the leaves have some kind of slight deformity, however the bud is supposed to be amazing.. blueberry, it's genetics have been going so long the leaves have some kind of slight deformity, however the bud is supposed to be amazing.

And here is my new mama's and the seedlings getting ready for flower. I'm headed in the SOG direction, but we will see how it goes after the next couple batches come through.

Happy New Years,

