Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
Trinity is looking good! Think she must have liked the nutes i gave her yesterday when i checked on her today she seemed to have grown a lot more than usual. No sign on nute burn either so i guess i didn't over do the nutes either :D

Pics of Trinity below she is getting big big big now lol.



Well-Known Member
She looks beauuuuuuutiful! Yikes dont know what Id do with 3 or 4 of them! Make some more clothes homeless maybe?! Shes looking good, I didnt realise they kept growing this long, Im glad coz mine are still 3 - 4 inches! Go Trinity!!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
ive had lowryder that were over 2 feet tall, u might get a throw back to the non auto part of the plant. the 1 im growing at min is tiny compared to the others. check my gallery here42gallery


Well-Known Member
How old is that first pic? Of the dlr?
And in the other pic of the bud is that 3/4 of an oz off just one plant? Id be very happy with half an oz off each plant... possible?


Well-Known Member
Arrrrr fuck! Sorry just having a bit of problem here! Just went to check on "runt" and some little fucker has been at him and eaten some of the leaves! I need to find him a new home and fast cos there is no way i can stop him getting eaten in there. Half the glass off the green house is missing it's basically falling down so i can't stop him getting eaten unless i move him. I dunno where to put him, i should stop calling him a he cos i'm fairly sure he is a he she now lol. I don't want to kill him i'm intrested to see what a he she looks like. *sits and thinks of somewhere to put "it"* Maybe back in my cab if they will both fit, still only has 4 balls so couldn't i just chop them off to stop him pollanating Trinity? There is always the window sill but that is a very very very last resort cos he will stink the place out so it's not really an option.

Any ideas or advice anyone? Fire away cos i'm running out of ideas now!


Well-Known Member
Well that's the end of that he is too tall for the bin lol. I dunno what to do with him now, any ideas anyone? Can i top him? Cos if you look he has a really stertched stem.


Oh just checked and he is even to tall to fit in the cab Trinity is in. Think i'm going to have to top him, and if he dies then he does, i don't really have anymore options left!


Well-Known Member
if you have to cut him, type "The color of my dreams" its a thred Fdd started its about coloring your leafs with food coloring and it would be a shame to waste a good plant


Well-Known Member
Trinity still going well looking better by the day!

As for runt he has caused me a lot of stress today lol. So turned out he was too big to fit anywhere but in the green house. Did have him in my window sill for a couple of hours but he smelled to much to stay there. Decided against topping him as i have no idea what to do plus it seemed a shame to do that to him and cause him more stress. So after a lot of thinking he has had to go back and live in the green house i have stood him on a tall box now though so i'm hoping whatever got to him last night doesn't tonight, just have to wait and see in the morning i guess.

First pic of Trinity the rest are of "runt".



I just took a closer look at the pics of "runt" and you can clearly see where something was eating him!


Well-Known Member
Wow, it's sure growing straight up.

Funny that it smells too much, I'm thinking my lot is gonna do the same. What to do...


Well-Known Member
Well lucky for "runt" he hasn't been eaten anymore though the night i hope it stays that way, he seems ok despite the fact something has been eating him lol. As for Trinity she is getting more bushy by the day i think. Her yellow leaves seem to have cleared up a bit most of them are a nice green now, apart from the odd few at the bottom. And the one leave that she let grow into the light a while ago lol. Only pics of Trinity today.



Well-Known Member
Looking nice and healthy.

I think you should top runt though, just snip the top of it just above a node. The branches under where you snip will grow nice and bushy. It shouldn't cause too much stress. For example when a bonsai is replanted it's branches are normally trimmed quite a bit at the same time as cutting the roots. Talk about stress there! Fair enough you don't want a bonsai, but doing this to them makes them grow much healthier - and in your case shorter and bushier.


Well-Known Member
Still all going good, nothing to say really cos everthing is going ok just a matter of waiting i guess! Just some pics of Trinity today.


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hello mate.
Fantastic job you have done, Trinity has turned out beautiful, well done mate.
To think, you was going to give up at one time.
Can I say, I would get rid of the male, I put one out the back and it grew to 6foot.
I had to chop it down in the end.
I was going to try to make hash with it but I just don't believe you will get anything that worthwhile from a male.
The danger is that you will pick up some pollen from handling him and pollinate
Trinity. That would be a disaster.
Anyway, whatever you do, good luck but, try not to put them together, you are asking for trouble doing that.