Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hello hmmm,
I agree with Westie.
Don't chop her too soon.
I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to cut Charley down.
I ended up just cutting off a bottom branch and drying it out.
It was (and still is) a really nice smoke with lots of flavour so the final cut HAS to be quality.
Glad I have waited. I have a motto: the more you wait, the more you appreciate.
Enjoy your nugget, you have earned it.


Well-Known Member
You will be glad to hear then that i didn't chop anymore off her as tempting as it was! So she is still in one piece well nearly apart from the small bud i took off her the other day. wooohoooo she was 8 weeks old yesterday, so hopfully not long left now!


Active Member
dont take ne more buds you will regret it later....i trust mr. west ....
puff, puff, ....pass fellas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

if i were near you id smoke you out till you were good and chinese!

DONT DO IT! lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, no i havn't chopped anymore off her think she is safe for today now cos she has gone into the dark till 12am now so i don't think i'll be quick drying at that time lol. puff puff pass >>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

dont take ne more buds you will regret it later....i trust mr. west ....
puff, puff, ....pass fellas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

if i were near you id smoke you out till you were good and chinese!

DONT DO IT! lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Nice one Hmm123 im so in the same place with my dlr she smells soo yummy pure grapefruit. The test bud was really nice. I thgink im gonna cut her on tuesday, i flushed with mollasses tuesday so should be nice an dry by next tue. Im smoking soap till then, yor welcome to have a toke>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
Think i'm going to water Trinity tomorrow then hopefully i shouldn't need to water her again, unless someone tells me otherwise! Like i should be watering stright before i harvest?

Nice one Hmm123 im so in the same place with my dlr she smells soo yummy pure grapefruit. The test bud was really nice. I thgink im gonna cut her on tuesday, i flushed with mollasses tuesday so should be nice an dry by next tue. Im smoking soap till then, yor welcome to have a toke>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
well i havent been told othewr wise as long as it dont die too soon, half or quater water if it looks like she needs it but its gonna di soon lol


Well-Known Member
Nothing much to say really apart from i remembered my bro had a telescope when he was little lol, but i could only find the ends so i now have a 20x, 30x 40x, lense for a telescope rofl. But it does work to see the trichomes just if you look really close, bit of pain and extremly difficult cos you have to hold it that close so it's basically touching and then you can't see anything cos it's too dark! So i had fun trying to see my trichomes on Trinity earily. Looked at the top middle and bottom on her, and most of the ones near the top are cloudy but i can't see any turning amber yet :( Hope i don't have to wait longer than another week or so to harvest her! Feel free to make a guess at how much you think she will yeild cos i have no idea lol. And i just found out today that the batterys are flat in my scales so i wont be able to weigh her now, unless i can ge some new batterys from somewhere. Pics below.


mr west

Well-Known Member
its all guess work anyway, id be lucky to get 14 grams off my girl, jus checked the trics and its looking nice bout 40% amber in places and cloudy in others i recon ill cut her on monday mornig b4 lights on

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Trinity's such a beautiful plant hmmm, I wish you had a digital camera to really show it off.

Can you try to borrow the one you used last time.
I'd love to see a decent picture of her.
I think she is one of the best looking cfl grows on this site.
If I see anyone saying cfl's are not worth using I will send them here to see for themselves. lol
I glad you got a scope, nearly all plants flowering time is done
when it's good enough for commercial grows.
Good bud will always take a week or so longer.


Active Member
im so glad shes almost done. shes so beautiful and frosty. wish you had a better camera like bark said so you can show off her A+ for perfection! im going to guestimate her yield and say a little over an Oz 28.0 possibly like 35.4 just a guess.....will see


Well-Known Member
Kudos hmmm, just read your post all the way through and its reassuring that the envirolites are producing some nice looking buds.

I am currently using a 250W blue enviro on my fem church seeds i got, i am currently bout 5 1/2 - 6 weeks into grow but have used lst method and there is crazy new lower growth and very short internodal length, will try and get sme pics up soon.

Sorry rambled on a little bit, too stoned, puff puff pass :joint:

As for you final weight i predict 25 grams give or take a couple.

you a fellow UKer?



Active Member
matt just keep the plant close to the light in the beginning so when it gets bigger you lower it so it will always be as close to the light as possible. toke one with you.....cough! pass...