The stinky pheno has more side branches and the better pheno has a more straight up growth during veg.I hope you have a carbon filter or live somewhere that out in the boonies cause that shit reaks,I had 7 of the good phenos in my 10 pack,Have you killed any deer,Im getting ready to bust my second buck.I passed a 40 yard shot last night but Ive relocated my stand to get a little closer.Im yet to find my does I cant figure out where my herd of does are.Ive found two bachaler groups of bucks just no slick heads.............Peace
Hmmm - dunno if I will be able to tell then, since they are topped they all look bushy to me. lol
Homemade carbon filters - check, but I do live in the boonies.

Usually hunt here as well - lots of deer, does and bucks. Nope haven't taken anything yet. Was out yesterday evening - had a buck sneak up behind me, I heard him grunt softly and he was gone - couldn't even turn around. Seems like there are quite a few fawns too small for winter still this year - making me more hesitant to shoot a doe.
Yeah carbon scrubbers r the way to go, I think we already talked about that huh?
Yeppers, and I'll have to make a new one for my veg room quite soon - hubby had a buddy at work yesterday come by and sniff him twice, made a comment about smoking pot - I think the little buggers are making all our clothes smell like ganja. lol Too bad I have to make it go away really, because I love the smell.