Row Planting or separate pots?

There are a few goats, couple of cows, and 2 donkeys here. That eliminates caster bean plants here. I don't know it any would eat them.
Can't use any kind of poison here. Too much livestock and wildlife. The spray just sends just sends the moles off to someone else's yard. In my case, out to the "back" (wooded area). They can live there.
I kept gophers out of my squash patch by putting half a habanero in the hole when I planted.
Worked until the habanero had rotted away, anyway.
Maybe if you boil up some hot pepper juice, you could judiciously apply to the soil...
I kept gophers out of my squash patch by putting half a habanero in the hole when I planted.
Worked until the habanero had rotted away, anyway.
Maybe if you boil up some hot pepper juice, you could judiciously apply to the soil...
I planted a ghost pepper this year and got about a half gallon of them. Those things are so hot they'll...