Royal Dwarf PC Grow / Chinese LEDs


Active Member
I think it's flowering, it's kinda short though!!

This is how we look! I can see some hairs!! Did some trimming too! (Leaves with zero light!)
far.jpg close.jpg sites.jpg fan leaves.jpg top.jpg


Well-Known Member
Keep with the updates dude! Mewk is right though it does take a bit for people to start latching. Its helpful for you as well. You can track progress and look back on any reoccurring problems. Also looking forward to see what those LEDs do for ya!


Active Member
Thanks mate! I'll do.. I think that the title makes errbody not see what I'm posting.. Talking about problems ya see.. Thanks again for checking, I'll keep you updated!! :-o
Dude, that's pretty easy fixed... I had the same problem a while into my first grow thread.
Pop over to the Support forum:
Put up a post regarding editing your post title, and so long as you ask nicely n respectfully, and give a decent reason... A mod will most likely drop you a PM and ask you waht you wanna retitle your thread to. :)


Active Member
Had the same problem as you with my Royal Dwarf on my very first grow. My light got too close to my plant, burnt one of her leaf at a very young age, she recovered somewhat but flowered when she was only a couple of inches high! It only grew to about 6" when I harvested her. Still got quality buds out of her but got 10g maybe. LOL

Good luck on your grow and I hope your yield is a lot better than mine!


Active Member
Thanks mate, but at this point, even 10g would be ok! Due to the problems occured!!

I'll keep you updated! May LST give something better! :joint::shock:


Active Member
Your plant is ahead of mine when it started flowering so your yield will prolly be bigger. Dont try to be too aggresive with your nutes as I gave mine some nute burn when I gave it the full recommended dose.


Active Member
Hey! Flowering period is on, and my humidity has reached 40-45%, but I guess it's ok! On to the pics:

Far look:

Closer one:

Did cut one leave on the mid to give that budsite a lil bit more light:

My TOP!! Oh, I'm so happy!!!

Cheers to all!!


Active Member
I'm intrigued.
How much'd it cost, how good is it, how long's it likely to last?
I need to find a different way to partake... I've been steadily on spliffs for the last 20years... Have asked m'dad for a decent bong for crimbo tho :D
But do fancy some kinda vapouriser.
That too, but wondering more on how precise it is. I know its not extremely accurate since it they tend to be +/- a few.
How are you liking it?


Active Member
Mewk: It's great, I mean at first I was high, after filling this 4 times.. Don't get confused though! It only takes 0.05 (!!) g for one fill, so 4 times are like 0.2!
Doin it more than 4 times just gets you stoned and stoned...!!

Bought it from eBay, english seller too! About 50 euros including shipping costs. Vapormax1 is the name. It's smell is very discreet and it's pleasant for your throat.
Not like doin a joint (not spliff) which has throat burning.

I think it'll last for a veery log time, cos you can find replacements (batteries, etc) if something gets fuckd up.

Bongs for crumble, you have to have crumble (right?) so you can't use it so often.. At least to where I'm from!

What do you mean precise? I really couldn't figure out what it is you askin (and I was sober) but I would be happy to answer your question!! Please feel free to ask again..
It's really nice!! You can read what I wrote to mewk!! It's a nice addition!

So overall yes, it's a better alternate for spliffs, you don't use tobacco and it gets you high.. And you only have to charge & clean it.. And you can use a small amount of herbs (don't forget, it's a herb!) to have your aromatherapy nicely done, so it's really money-saving too..

Edit:It's healthy, too! I've read it and you can also feel your lungs clean, not like a spliff!
Nice thing! Cheers!!


Active Member
Cheers man... What's the distance on it... I mean if you pack it, and go out for a mooch, how many tokes can you get from it without having to open up and repack or mess with it. Most of the herb vapes I've seen online seem to be one-hitters, then you have to unscrew and mess with them. Also they don't atch seem to be vapes at all, as they just combust the herb by putting it right next to the fillament.. So more like compact pipes, if you get me.

Also, I think Stealth was talking about the 'thermometer/hygrometer' thing he mentioned a couple posts back.


Active Member
Hm, it's a two - or three - hitter. Then you unscrew it and mess with the herb and it gives you one more vape. But it's really nice for an outdoor recreational smoking session. I mean grab a beer too, and you'll be ok!!!
Yes, it's something like a pipe, if you don't mess with it! I'm trying to put an attachment at the bottom so it will leave a small space between the herb and the hot coil!!
You're right about Stealth, thanks!

Stealth: I really don't know, but I see it reacting to the changes of the environment, so I guess it's working, but 1 or 2 C degrees more or less, shouldn't be a problem, especially when I'm at 25C all the time!
