Royal queen northern lights auto

i hope everything works out bud
once you're dialed in its so much easier
the ones planted in the hotter soil already can be flushed a bit to leech some of the nutes out
it may or may not help just an idea
do they look like this one aswell ?
to be honest with you
this plant will finish and you will gain plenty of knowledge from finishing it
but electricity + nutes + soil + time have to be factored in to see if its worth it to you or not
if i had to put a number on it IMO this plant will yield less than a 1/4 oz 1/2 oz atmost maybe big maybe i hope you can prove me wrong :) i hope it does recover but
just from the ones ive stunted and the ones ive seen on this and other forums that were allowed to finish
its not gonna be much in the end

but with all this said
it may very well take off when the conditions are right
there are so many variables
Cheers mate.
I know it's all learning especially with autos but I am taking this kinda hard as I feel like ive let these seedlings down plus I'm a person who usually does things right but oh we'll cant win all the time. The nlxbb and bubblelicious autos will be pulled koz they've been in pot above ground for 11 days and they still looking like 5 day old seedlings so chances are they are fu*#ed aswell. I will be emptying those 2 pots and starting again with the remaining 2 nl autos I have,I thought I knew but was wrong so what soil or potting mix would you advise for. I'm in Australia so we won't have your brands but if you wana give me the heads up what to look for n buy I will do that today as I want to get these in soil ASAP. Cheers tek
organic potting mix
something that doesnt have alot of wood chips in it
just cut it down with some perlite and it shouldnt matter too much honestly
and some seed starter would help
just cheapo seed starter
Yeh my last mix was 40-45%perlite in with organic potting mix with all 3 auto seeds but that's the shit that was too strong so maybe something with little to no feed or nutes added in it at all?. Is it easy to go the coco route or do you just stick with soil.. Can you mix coco with a bit of soil or is it best to just go coco or soil not mix em?. I just wanna do it right this time and want to sort it all out today so I can relax a bit more. I wanna start turning out some decent smoke and hope to with your tips on the way tek so big thanks mate.
the soil is fine to use if you put enough seed starter in the area you're going to plant the seed they will be stronger and can handle the soil by the time they grow out of the starter
The loam may be a bit harder to get hold of here but the rest is easy to get. How much coco coir should I put in mix I'm not sure?. If I can get the loam would a ratio of 40/40/20 be ok per pot? .cheers
Thanks tek.
I've made the hard decision and pulled my other 2 autos as they weren't doin good but kept the nl but now under 180w of 6500k cfls as am wasting money burning 600w mh for 1 plant. I emptied the other 2 pots and started again with seed raising mix combined with perlite,coco coir and sphagnum peat. The contrast was alot better and drier n airier then anything I've gardened with before so fingers X'd this time. Will plant my last 2 nl seeds in a few days so in a few weeks if all goes good they should be over double the size my lil runter is now.
so whats it like in australia ?
is there alot of work ?
and whats the cost of living like ?
Living - I may sound bias but As of last month We have 3 of the top ten city's in the world to live in here in aus,we are in perth which is on the west coast and its fantastic and in summer it's not uncommon to hit temps of 115f and as Always bumper summer crops here :). We are currently in spring and summer starts in December. Work - my state has alot of work especially in the mining sector with jobs offering 100k plus a year although its not as easy to get into them there is alot there. Outside of that there is still alot of other sectors to work in so its not that hard getting work and even easier at times getting it if you know someone in that company. Cost of living - my state and nsw,which is Sydney is the most expensive state to live in but employment usually payes no less then $630 for a 38 hour working week at minimum wage so its not bad. It's generally a bit more expensive but I'm use to it and the quality of life here in this "laid back" state :). I've got 2 friends living in cali and they looooove it but love it even more coming home but don't stop about how good it is over there and how cheap everything is.
whats it take to own a gun out there?
i heard they have a ban
if i cant hunt im not a happy camper
me and the old lady been tryin to figure out where to move off to but i dunno want some where its chilled on the marijuana laws but not totally legal
so there is still a decent street value you know ?
After the port Arthur massacre in Tasmania in 96 they banned em,there was a guy who flipped out and killed 35 people so after that they ban guns outright but a gun licence is attainable and I'm actually trying to get it for a proper BB gun so hope I get it. Mary j is illegal here but it's trying to get decriminalised by parties and on the streets it goes for 25 bux for 1-1.5grams and usually no cheaper then 350 an ounce. I know someone that works full time and grows n sells their own smoke and makes well over 90 grand a year and that awesome if ya ask me :) ..if someone down my way got their shit together and grew good weed n sold it i know they would have no trouble making well over 1000$ a day alone doing that as sometimes its dry as heck for weed my way so if someone wanted to capitalise on that they'd be sweet. Is green in abundance in the u.s?
ya in the legal states its all over but its taxed up
in the illegal states its cheap and readily available usually
That sounds good but also getting taxed up would suck big time .there is no market here its whoever has it sells it pretty much and a majority of it isn't that good it's average but there is a few guys an hours drive away that always has bomb gear like reserva privada og's ,good barneys farm gear and a few other big namers so he's always busy but as of legalising it it won't happen anytime soon we have just had a election and a new prime minister has been elected and he's a fu#* tard douchebag and reminds me of Ronald reagans anti marijuana views and laws so it will stay illegal for the next decade I'd say...
the cheap weed is cheap anyway. mids and highs round my area are 70-80 an 8th and up. you can get some mexi brick, grown outside choke you to death and get a headache weed for 30-35 a quarter. good for the high schoolers I guess
Hate to see your having some issues, take it as a learning experience and keep kicking ass. You'll do fine, just takes a little practice. That's crazy there are no guns in Australia, they're trying to do the same here, but i don't think it'll ever happen. Hope not at least, keep us posted on your progress. Thanks for helping out the community tek, you are an invaluable asset.