Your starting a 5 gallon, do you use a drip line to start, I saw how some of these Deep water guys don't use drip line, I don't understand how you can not, at the start anyhow.
If you use the drip line how long do you leave on and how long off, if you don't mind my asking.
I have been trying Aeroponics, with 1minute on 5minutes off, if I get into the deep water, I would like to get less costly timer.
I found one at Lowes, but that one the least on I could go would be 30 minutes, I don't know if this is to long on drip, I guess with all the bubbles I can't really see it would matter.
I talk to some of these people's in the Hydro stores, and it seems they don't know much or are not getting off much if they do.
The one guy kind of preturbed me, as he sold me a bottle of Root66 for 20 bucks, but did not bother to tell me for another 15 bucks, I could buy the whole kit, Gee Tanks you just lost a customer.