ru8fru#2, Sweet Purple & Bubblegum, Hydro Drip System


Well-Known Member
Haha that is some great news dude! Man youll be growing wonders!!! Yeah I have cut down the males, actually ended up with 4 females and 2 males... 6 plants through veg. Last grow I had 10 plants through veg and ended with 4 females and 6 males, so I really lucked out. Have the same amount of females this time around as last time. They are starting to develop more and more pistils each day! Will be posting some pics either tonight or tomorrow of the development, currently working on building their drip system when my drippers come!!! woop woop


Well-Known Member
Aight I haven't done a pic update in awhile so I figured Id take a bunch. Vegged 6 and only 2 ended up male, which im happy with! Have 4 females right now which is the same as I had my first grow, so lets see if I yield higher! They have had about id say 2-3 days of actual flowering time, but I flipped the lights about 10 days ago. Seem to be continuing to grow, and im starting to see more pistil production. Also will be building my drip system right around the corner and tossing them onto their final slabs. Also have been able to raise the RH to a stable 40-50, and the temps are within reason ;). Also am on bloom nutes at 1.4 EC and some silicon as well with a 5.8 PH. Any, anyyyyy constructive criticism is needed, thanks homies!



Well-Known Member
Every thing looks and sounds great to me.

If you want to give your plants a better chance of producing more, I would think about getting some coco coir (since your using rock wool) and put it in some 3 gal buckets and place your plants about a third of the way down into them. This will allow the roots to expand more.

This is just a slightly twisted version of Bushy Older Grower's Elevated Double Potting Method. Which is tried and true with increasing yield.

Make sure the coco coir is a good quality with low salt content.....make sure the bag says it has been flushed clean and read if it has any nutes in it or not.

(If you can't find a high quality coir or just want to save some some cheap stuff and flush it in some buckets just like you would your plants.)

Just a suggestion.

Anyways, you really seem like you know what your doing. Keep it up and you will be smiling big real soon....



Well-Known Member
Actually ill just be transplants 2 plants each per 3 ½ rw slab, two plants per slab, one slab per tray, fits perfect in the leach tray. one ½" main line with 4 ¼" drip lines coming off of it connected to a drip stake. Flood and drain from one res to the other. Should be fun!


Well-Known Member
Fucken A man, looken good. Glad to see you ended up with that many females. How long did you let them veg for again?



Well-Known Member
Ill get some more pics up tonight, finalizing the drip system tonight. I believe total veg time was, about 5 weeks. They are huge now, I should have topped cause they are going to outgrow my box, which is not good.


Well-Known Member
Well they outgrew the box, so I had to unscrew the top of the box and use a ladder and mount my light to the celling. Upped the EC to 1.6 and will be adding boost as soon as I buy it (need to get on that asap! :D) They are roughly 3.5 weeks since the switch, doing good in my opinion. Plus the drip system is now active and working and the plants have been transplanted onto the slabs, let me know your thoughts and suggestions homies!



Well-Known Member
the girls look amazing. I read that sweet purple is supposed to be flipped to flower after 7-10 days of veg, how tall are ur plants now and do U see any purpling yet?


Well-Known Member
dude If I posted pics you guys would shit yourself, you ready? lol... They look 10 times better then the last pics I upped.

well pure veg, not including seedling, Id say I vegged for about 3 weeks. Ive been in flower for almost a month, and they range from smallest of 38" to tallest being 45"... On the lower bud sites im starting to see some purple hairs, but im assuming they wont purple till late in flower, will most likely give them a good 8-10 week flower, chopping down somewhere around the end of September.


Well-Known Member
lovin the journal man im doing sum paradise seeds aswell ... im doing icecream and white berry from paradise .... aswell as doing white russian / big bud / and kush from other companys ... your gfs tattoos look proper hot ..... i cant wait to see your ladys producin sum nice heavy buds ... keep up the good work hommie


Well-Known Member
Ive been outa this business fora bit but yeah man, kinda excited to move onto bigger and better things. Excited for some serious strains, but these ladies will def. be smokeable. You peep cubes new record raw footage? Cop that shit.

Heres some bud porn for ya.



Well-Known Member
all i can say is wow..


i wasnt sure how those (rockwool) cubes were gonna work but those plants are quite impressive! gonna get that cube album in one hot sec..


Well-Known Member
haha good lookin out s4$... always nice to have your opinion, means alot comin from a vet like urself ;)


Active Member
hi i have a very big problem with my hempstar plant its 27 days into flowering and the inner top head area is turning are dark purple. its not a purple strain so this is wierd. also the stem has lines of purple discoloration. even some small amounts of the white pistols are turning purple! this plant is growing outdoors in a soil pot. i tried warm water and epsom salts, but now it seems to be turning a dark orange. what should i do?