Rubbermaid 12/12 from bagseed grow


Active Member
Hey everyone...first journal/grow and I welcome everyone to join me on this. All advice suggestions and comments are encouraged. I am a lil over a week in so I will post what pics I got...please forgive quality it is fone cam.


Active Member
I got the ladies about 4-5 inches away from light but thinkin the 2700k's might get to hot for them...but I dont want them to stretch much the looks of things do u think its to soon to tie the tops down?...wanted to wait for second node but dont want them to get to close...what ya'll think?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you definitely should add as many 2700's as possible (when the plant gets a bit bigger of course) any nutes? how's your ventilation?


Well-Known Member
Interesting grow box. I don't do Lst but you need them to get bigger to do it. I would think you would want stretch to have stem to train. I do 12/12 from seed and when my plants are getting too tall I will supercrop them. That's where you snap a branch over it does the same thing as lst. I watch you grow


Well-Known Member
I have a small 2" x 2" square for ventilation and bloom booster nutes but wasnt sure when to add them...
Nice keep a fan on them so they get a nice sturdy stem and I personally use nutes about 7-10 days into the plants life in. I start off at 1/8 of the dosage just to be safe and work my up gradually as the plants life progresses.


Well-Known Member
Dont wanna seem to impatient but whats the ballpark range of days that I will start to see actual buds doin 12/12?
It can take up to three weeks, depending on the bagseed....I'm assuming Sativa dominant?? but it can be as early as a 10 days.

no problem, just trying to be helpful.


Well-Known Member
Don't you have veg. nutes? Bloom booster sound like flowering nutes. Are you in prenuted soil, like fox farms or Mg? because they have water released nutes and you burn them adding extra nutes, I wait three weeks or more to add nutes. I changed to a coco "super soil" so only add wates and