Rubbermaid 12/12 from bagseed grow


Active Member
They did look really dry so I watered tonight with some veg nutes..stuck a little wedge in between totes for some air...was getting worried bout heat...i really need therm.
Try a computer fan on the side of your box for exhaust, should work good to reduce the heat level.There pretty cheap, sometimes free if you have an old PC layin around some where, and very easy to wire up, pretty quiet as well if your tryin to keep it stealthy. How far away are your lights from the plants? Try to keep the lights 1 - 2 inches away from every angle of the plant.


Active Member
Thanks for the sub man ur the first that I know of...and light are as close as I can get them....maybe 2 or 3 in. away until they grow closer...


Active Member
Looks like an interesting grow, I'm subbed! Btw, just to compare size, here's my girl at 21 days from seed:


Of course she had 24/0 lights for a week and has been 18/6 since then, so more growth up front (as rw mentioned above), and she's in an organic potting soil with some organic nutes added, too. I've never been happy with the results from MG, personally, for any plants really.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I fimmed her (removed the growing tip) about a week ago to encourage the branches to grow out more, that's why it's so bushy rather than tall.


Active Member
She is lookin good...awfully bushy for such a young age...guess imma lst when mine get tall enough but for now just gonna keep my setup the way it is except add a fan and another hole in the top tote...gonna check on them soon...any request for close up photo shoot lol?


Active Member
Doesn't look too bad to me. That soil looks like it has a lot of pine bark in it (acidic), and I don't see any perlite or sand to improve drainage... so maybe you're overwatering a little? You should be letting the whole pot dry out (not just the surface) between waterings. But the plant looks okay to me, so I wouldn't worry too much yet.

Also, be careful about overdoing the nutes this early, especially in that MG soil.


Active Member
Its all ur fault ourkansaw!...showing me that bush u call a girls got jealous and insecure....they were begging for nutes!! Looked at her before I put them to bed...doin alot better...will take pics in 12 hours


Active Member
Alright...def have a problem...please let me kno what, why, and if she can recover...i am a very concerned father...let me down easy fellas...IMG_20120427_000521.jpgIMG_20120427_000859-1.jpg


Well-Known Member
I heard of nute lockout...can u explain that one please...
Nutrient lockout happens when your plant can not access specific, or all nutrients in the growing medium, this is due to a chemical reaction within the medium/solution which prevents nutrients from being absorbed by the roots.

Personally as I said earlier in the thread I don't start feeding my plants nutes until they are big enough (regardless of age). Your plant is still salvageable, Next watering no nutes..Just ph balanced water and she should rebound. When you believe your plant has a strong enough root system start using the nutes at lower strengths then work yourself up, IMO its better to be under fert. early than over fert. early (which will cause lockout further hindering your progress)


Active Member
I will admit I was eager for nutes and I made a quick and unmeasured mistake...glad to hear it will be ok...thanks for reply!


Well-Known Member
And get your heat under control and that RH up. Over aggressive transpiration will also lead to further problems. Up to and including crisping the leaves which can mimic the look of some nute issues.

Had to mention it. Cannabis has a sweet zone in temp and RH. Seedlings usually do better with elevated RH. Hence the clone domes etc.

Not all genetics are the same of course, but I rarely find anyone running anything geared for heat stress and have yet to find most that handle low RH without issues.

RH and temp outside of ideal ... Survivable yes. Preferred: no.
