Rubbermaid 35 gal cfl grow (feedback/suggestions would be great


Well-Known Member
i made my mini grow setup out of 2 35 gal rubbermaids with 8 100 watt cfls. im using miracle grow seedling starter soil and ive got miracle grow all purpose plant food 12-4-8 this is one of many boxes / cabinets ill be running of different sizes im going to veg for 1 month in this box then 12/12 this is just bag seed but ill be ordering soon photo-7.jpgphoto-10.jpgoutside.jpgtop.jpg


Active Member
Looking like a great start! I'll stay tuned with this grow. Check mine out if you'd like by clicking on my signature. Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
This is pretty nice. I'm doing something similar. I like how you have side lights mounted. But let me ask you some questions.
Do you have any vents on the bottom tub? The Big fan on top is exhaust, right? There needs to be an air exchange somehow... so even if you cut small vents near the bottom, it would be plenty. Your lights.. have you thought about splitting those top lights one more time? You could have four lights on each base socket. Your plants would love it! :) If it weren't for those side lamps, I'd say move the plants closer to the lights. I had mine hanging (unmounted) so I could adjust the distance from the plants.

Legit though. I like it. Check mine out, if you like. :)

crazy carl

I have 2 tubs and was thinking of making a mother/ clone thing also hows the temps, I was thinking of using a 15 watt t8


Active Member

I always eye up those big tubs at wallmart and go hmmmm good to see them in action
I have a plan that includes a very large garbage can they have too lolz
best of look to you and will be back to see more

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
Tinfoil is a terrible reflective surface, I'd suggest taking it out and painting white. Foil will create hot spots and burn your plants. Looks great otherwise though


Active Member
miko420, this is a nice bin. Aren't DIY grows fun?

Mr Skunky Haze makes a good point:

Tinfoil is a terrible reflective surface, I'd suggest taking it out and painting white. Foil will create hot spots and burn your plants. Looks great otherwise though
It's best to change this before it becomes an issue.

Options, as I see them:
-Reflectix, available at HomeDepot or many other big box stores is a great option. It is very reflective, opaque, and provides hotspot-free insulation.
- Flat White/Black paint is easy to apply to small, curved, or unusual shaped spaces and reflect/lightproof acceptably well. What they lack in insulation and reflection, they gain in ease of use.
-2Faced Poly/Panda Film is highly reflective, 99% opaque, and will not create hotspots. Great for lightproofing but tough to apply to small spaces.
-Mylar works well when kept clean and not in close proximity to plants. Hotspots and light leaks can become risks over time.

Anyone else have a recommendation/comments here?

Keep it up, miko420. We'll love to see what happens.

Happy growin!


Well-Known Member
update. so far so good i added 2 more lights and 1 more split fot 11 lights total will post pics and more detailed update monday


Well-Known Member
lol im glad i saw this

i have a 35 gal tub adventure going right now too


this ones alittle old i dont have a real stable camera the one i was using on my big grows blew up on me



Well-Known Member
Very nice! If your going to use tinfoil... Use the back side of the tinfoil AND crinkle the tinfoil as much as you can so it will reduce "burn spots."


Active Member
I have my doubts about hotspots when it comes to CFLs.

The whole thing with CFL is getting them as close as possible for maximum penetration, I just can't see it being a problem.

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
even then cfls create quite a bit of heat when using larger wattage bulbs, hell my 20 watts gets hot fast. tin foil will just reflect these hot spots onto the plant, to much heat on one concentrated area simple will just burn the plant


Well-Known Member
now i was thinking of getting some (chicken wire?) to put over the top seems to get very good results , how would anyone suggest going about this and as i stated on first post my nutes when should i go about adding them