Ruderalis = schwagg?


Active Member
Are all Rudy plants shwag?
And I was also wondering if anyone on here has actually grown a Ruderalis before, be it bagseed or whatever...

I've been under the impression the most "mids/regs" were Ruderalis plants, but hell a few of my buddies grew some bag seed and it was some dank..
Which brings me to another question, how the fuck are "mids/regs" even grown?
Cuz if the grower was even a decent grower he'd have some good trichs..

I love pondering when I'm baked...


Well-Known Member
Ruderalis is hemp. Poorly grown sativa and indica is schwagg. Auto flowering plants are a hybrid between ruderalis and an indica or sativa.


Active Member
Wow, that was quick,
+ rep for the info.

Still doesn't make sense since how schwagg is made though, I've seen some shitty grows come out with alot better bud...

Green Inferno

Active Member
Pure Ruderalis has little to no THC from what I have read.
Schwag is poorly grown and processed Indica and/or Sativa.
They go for the most weight in the fastest time, at the cheapest way possible.
Quick dry, no cure, straight into a brick, then sold at ridiculous prices. That's why
I grow my own.

As for the Ruderalis hybrids, like the autoflowers, I never had or grew any. But those
do have some THC.


Well-Known Member
shwag is weed that is most commonly grown in mexico in monstrous sized field, where they receive very little care and they don't pull the males so they get seeded. Then most of the time its yanked prematurely and then poorly dried and not given any curing time. It is then stuffed and compressed as small as it can go then stuck inside of gastanks and shit for shipment over the borders. All of this combined results in the horrible bud we all know as regs/mids.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis Ruderalis are all autoflowering - i think that's what makes them Ruderalis. I have seeds from Ruderalis from various countries in Europe.


ruderalis, if not crossed with indica or sativa will not get you that high nor produce much bud at all, but if you have a ruderalis/indica mix then your weed will be of mid grade quality.. this is if it is bag seed.. if you can manage to not let them get pollinated then your high will be even better. i've found that by harvesting when your trichomes are 35-50% amber then it's time to harvest.. the high will be more heady.. all cannabis plants are hemp or can be made into hemp, not one strain of cannabis can be only hemp. the male plants are the strongest for hemp. but when you are smoking weed that someone else grew, 9 times out of 10 that person did not grow it to the best of his/her ability, or just didn't know how.. so for your friends to grow some dank then they got lucky by purchasing poorly grown weed and growing it in a better environment not trying to get the most bud to grow, but instead letting it do it's own thing, so the weed was better.


gastanker is wrong.. ruderalis can get you high, but is used for hemp in other countries just like indica and sativa plants are used for hemp.. you harvest the flower and save the whole plant.. wtf? here is what i propose because i see alot of people on these boards talking about shit that is not true one bit.. go to your local book store and purchase/steal a cannabis cultivation book, then do it again after you read that one.. get a few and read them over and over.. read read read.. and be able to know how to decipher between what is real and what isn't


New Member
Reason why "schwagg" weed sucks is because it comes from mostly illegal, outdoor grows that is set up in the spring time and left until harvest.
So, there's no attention paid to the garden for months and months. So males pop-up, pollinating the fems, making seedy weak weed. The plants herm out, there's heat and or drought issues. High winds... and they're left alone to deal with it all by themselves.
And they harvest on a specific date. So, it doesn't matter if they're "ready" or not... they chop and process the entire garden at once. They don't trim hardly anything except for fan leaves. Then they use these hydraulic presses that are usually covered in grease and/or diesel fuel to brick it up and then it hits the streets...
And, that's everything I know about schwagg weed...
for this this 10 old post :)


Well-Known Member
Reason why "schwagg" weed sucks is because it comes from mostly illegal, outdoor grows that is set up in the spring time and left until harvest.
So, there's no attention paid to the garden for months and months. So males pop-up, pollinating the fems, making seedy weak weed. The plants herm out, there's heat and or drought issues. High winds... and they're left alone to deal with it all by themselves.
And they harvest on a specific date. So, it doesn't matter if they're "ready" or not... they chop and process the entire garden at once. They don't trim hardly anything except for fan leaves. Then they use these hydraulic presses that are usually covered in grease and/or diesel fuel to brick it up and then it hits the streets...
And, that's everything I know about schwagg weed...
for this this 10 old post :)
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