Rugs For Cannabineer

No sir.. I'd like for you to stop acting like a girl lol. I mean you're cool as a member and all but it's creepy when you act like a girl and use somebody's pics to try to prove it lol. Alright I'm done, don't want to derail this thread too much.. Sorry carne :).

well as soon as i grow a cock i will sure start acting like a man, will this make you happy....why are you going round acting like a man ? its clear your not
do they make blankets carne?

Yep and rug dresses too.


OMG this is so beautiful............. i want one.


  • SandpaintingRug1021.JPG
    36.7 KB · Views: 8
OMG this is so beautiful............. i want one.

That's a nice one and it used to be taboo. Sandpaintings are sacred and destroyed once the ceremony (in which they are utilized) is complete. They compromised by altering the sandpainting so it didn't represent a healing ceremony. No permanent sandpainting art object shows an actual healing sandpainting.

That one represents the Shooting Way Chant (I think).
That's a nice one and it used to be taboo. Sandpaintings are sacred and destroyed once the ceremony (in which they are utilized) is complete. They compromised by altering the sandpainting so it didn't represent a healing ceremony. No permanent sandpainting art object shows an actual healing sandpainting.

That one represents the Shooting Way Chant (I think).

im blown away with this..carne i love it..... when you say taboo an the shooting way chant...can you give me a liitle more info...... think i will send them an email as i defo want one
im blown away with this..carne i love it..... when you say taboo an the shooting way chant...can you give me a liitle more info...... think i will send them an email as i defo want one

You cannot make a permanent healing sandpainting. It is considered a bad thing to do. Once a sandpainting has done it's job (healing a person of spiritual/mental/physical illness), it is destroyed and the sand is swept up and given as an offering.


Shiprock was the first area to put symbols and characters from sandpaintings into their rugs. It created quite a stir. But they were incomplete or altered so they didn't actually show a healing ceremony. That was the compromise. The Shooting Way Chant is a healing ceremony that deals with lightning, snakes, arrows and some other stuff I can't remember. I really can't go into detail because it would take pages and pages of typing to give you a full idea of what it's about. Let's just say that certain things in nature are tied in with certain illnesses. The particular healing ceremony that deals with these illnesses are "performed". A Ha'ataałii (singer/healer/holy man) is brought in and the illness is diagnosed. Then they say which ceremony is required. It can last from 4-9 days depending on the need. The healer chants while he builds the sandpainting. Blessing it as he/she goes. Once completed and the patient is prepped for the ceremony (sometimes they are given herbs to purge their stomachs) he/she is placed on the painting and the ceremony begins.

i can see why i like it, its not just how it looks....... its way deeper than that, big thankyou carne for sending me the link and giving me a little insite with your info. like i say its so beatiful and one i will defo be happy to have in my home.... thankyou :hug:
My xgf adored Ulali. She played this almost every day as part of a sort of rite.
Your rug is very beautiful. I call those colors 'winter colors'. Everything in tones of dark brown, beige, cream; the colors of winter.

Here it's the colors of high summer! Winter locally is gray and green. Earth tones spell heat for me, like the blazing summer that has descended on us already. I perspire. cn
Here it's the colors of high summer! Winter locally is gray and green. Earth tones spell heat for me, like the blazing summer that has descended on us already. I perspire. cn

It was 70 yesterday and mid-50's last night. Slept like a baby with the windows open. I'll miss that.
O.k. CN. I finally got your answer for you. My uncle said it's a J.B. Moore Storm Pattern rug and it's definitely from the 1920's. He said without looking at the rug, it could be worth around $1,000. J.B. Moore storm pattern rugs are associated with western rug weavers (western side of the reservation). Most likely this rug came from Crystal, New Mexico. It's not a Two Grey Hills. :(
O.k. CN. I finally got your answer for you. My uncle said it's a J.B. Moore Storm Pattern rug and it's definitely from the 1920's. He said without looking at the rug, it could be worth around $1,000. J.B. Moore storm pattern rugs are associated with western rug weavers (western side of the reservation). Most likely this rug came from Crystal, New Mexico. It's not a Two Grey Hills. :(

Oh OK. Well, dang. cn