Ruler sized plant


Well-Known Member
It would be ideal for me to grow a plant no bigger than 12". The sun in my area is about 16/8 - 15/9 hours. I grow great, but everytime I've attempted, someone has fucked it up. So does anyone think I can do it? If so, pointers?


Well-Known Member
Well I had one a while back, I was growing inside then transferd, but my mom cut it up. Then I had one at my freinds. It was good, until he got a dog. It bit it all the way down. So now Im growing a lil personal one that noone can fuck it up.


Well-Known Member
Try growing away from people you know. Put the plant in the ground (upgrade the dirt) in my area I wouldn't even mess with ordering seeds this late in the game. Unless you have them now. Plant a few and look into LST. It wont be 12" maybe 20"-24" but not to much work


Well-Known Member
Yea I got the seeds already, just from some ses i had hella long ago. It has already started to grow too.


Active Member
sounds like it wasnt meant to be! i am fortunate enough to live with some people who gave me a whole room to grow in. i now have 12 plants all "ruler size" and they look great! but good luck with all that buddy!!!