Run off

Tomas 69

How do you all catch run off. Thinking of building a table with a grate top about 6” off ground. Is there a better or easier way?
I'm working on a drainage system as we speak.... errrrr... type....

Have a slight tilt to the front and left. With rubber tubing sealed into front left corner of the runoff plate.

Sick of using a shop vac in a tiny tent already. Lol

Don't know it would work but I dont see why it wouldn't.
Wire shelving over a storage container or flood tray, or a raised flood tray sloped to drain into a container below. I've used those plastic corrugated roof panels one time too.
I bought these drain tiles on Amazon, $29.95:

Drain Tile.jpg

I use them in these 2'x4' planting trays, 2 of these fit perfectly in a 4x4 tent, they are $26.95 each:


I use a shop vac to remove all the drain water, no problem.
How do you all catch run off. Thinking of building a table with a grate top about 6” off ground. Is there a better or easier way?

Flood table with bulkhead drain fitting. Built a PVC frame around the flood table. The whole thing is raised up on PVC legs above a drain pan. Slightly higher in the back allows the waste water to drain to the drain in the front.

If its just to catch it and get rid of it, I built this for that purpose:
A wood plate with 2x2" rim, covered in plastic sheet, using one of these below to make a watertight seal.
The tables "feet" is simply a square of 2x4" following the rim 4" in.
Tilted the table front-left simply by placing one piece boosting the back-right, and one each half that size on back-left and front-right.