Run off


Active Member
Ok. Im just confused when people say dont use distilled water because it doesn't have any minerals, but then tell me to use ro water which has the least amount of anything. So is there a way to get your plant out of its lock? Or is it just a waiting game? Another thing one of my leaves that dried up. I noticed it has 11 fingers on it. I know they are supposed to have 7. Ive seen 9, but thats the first time ive seen or heard about 11. Does this mean anything?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
It means it's a Sativa or Sativa strong hybrid....nothing else....

You asked how to fix a problem,,,,,Nullis is telling you how to do that..With what you have....He's right btw....

RO is perfect for hydro and hydro applications.....You know exactly whats in it and can adjust for it....

I use RO and do water only soil. I build my soil with that in mind....I add some "extra" (to a point) amendments to cover for the lack of minerals in the water.....The last 2 statements are put simply......

You should worry about what your doing and not what anybody else is doing......You'll learn in good time about that.....Focus on your grow now..



Active Member
Im growing pineapple kush from barneys and its supposed to be a indica. And the leaves aren't thin like a sativa would be. This plant is driving me nuts


Well-Known Member
if your water is going in at 6.5 and out at 5.7 that is a .8 difference. so that 7.2 water is the perfect ph to bring it around 6.5 like the mod said.

You can keep on your schedule, but try cutting the grow formula in half and get rid of the cal-mag. Although it may be showing those kind of issues, it doesn't mean that cal or mag isn't in the soil. with as much calmag is you put in there it's definitely in there, just "locked out" due to your low ph. If you keep up with all the calmag you are going to lock out all the other essential nutrients. The most calmag you should ever need in FFOF is 1ml/gal if that tells you anything. (you were doing 10ml/gal!!). Also, check your calmag for NPK because it usually has some N in it, which would also lead to over-fertilization.

You can get by in veg in FFOF with only water and molasses. Plants don't want to max out on their fertilizers, they need JUST ENOUGH (or less) to thrive.