Run out of hieght in grow room- PLEASE HELP?


Well-Known Member
Glad to help Lennyo

I am just wondering what this talk is about older people. Sounds like you guys think the older you get the less you know. I disagree with that. The older you are the more experiences you have. Now it depends on the individual but most people acquire knowledge from there experiences. I know I have. The trick is to take that knowledge and do something beneficial with it. Then it is referred to as wisdom. I remember when I was in my 20s young, dumb and full of come I thought I knew it all. I Guess you never do figure it out until you do get older.

My 2 cents.​
You know what your talkin about.
I cant believe these young punks think they know everything.
I will definatley learn alot from my first grow in a confined space.
Thanks again mate.


Well-Known Member
Wow! a lot of love in here, sup with all the bashing one another?
Enough is enough!

Anyhow, if uv got ur screen in place already, and satilll no room, well ull hv 2 do the best u can for that grow, however for future referance, u could try LSting the plant w/ some fishing weights 2 get ur girls to bend slowly so u dont snap em.
do ur research on SCROGs (screen of green).
Thanks for the good advice Jgreenbeast


Well-Known Member
DUDE YOU GOTTA BE JOKING. ur plants look like shit man u were talkin all hard and put up some stretched out crackwhore plants. im done talkin to you you are nothing nbut a HATER.........hate on hater.
hahaha ur a fool COME CORRECT rookie..i took pics today just so u can see and wish u were on my level..if u think these dont look good for 16days into flower ur a crackwhore



Well-Known Member
DDUUDDEE U ARE SUCH A NERD! get a life man for real. i see ur activity bar with 125 posts.......GET A LIFE!



Well-Known Member
haha slap urself g u aint even knowin...and a u sound like the nerd anyways and i thought it was funny how u had nothin to say about my plants fu@&^ rookie


Well-Known Member
hahaha ur a fool COME CORRECT rookie..i took pics today just so u can see and wish u were on my level..if u think these dont look good for 16days into flower ur a crackwhore
Not going to waste my time looking at your crap.

Take everyones advice and FUCK RIGHT OFF PLEASE, YOUNG PUNK.


Well-Known Member
DAMN ASSHOLE! once agin thats EXACTLY what this place is for......HELP. sorry about this guys behavior. this place taugt me everything i know.i started as a complete noob asking theses exact question
Don't worry, homegrowndude is what I call a forum troll, and he will be banned soon enough.
In my opinion if you cant say something nice, then f**k off, I'm sure there are plenty of forums for idiots like him.:cuss: