Running Ballast 400w HPS @ 50% b/c of heat?


Well-Known Member
just wondering how much my plants growth will suffer if I run the 400w HPS at 50%? It's super hot here right now. Temps in grow room approaching 88+
What do you mean? I've done it before, drops the temps down 5-6 degrees .
Something is fucked up with that a/c setup might want to look into that. 200 watts 88f will suffer much more then 400w at 82f. Less buds, plants more stretched and stressed
you make no sense dude. Come back when you're sober lol
Talk about not making sense, what did you think would happen when you dim the light 50%? You have two choices you either bring down the air temperature or lessen the light.... You should already know the pros and cons of both

Also, what im saying is if your air conditioner only drops 5F then your doing something very wrong! Make sense? MAKE SENSE?
just wondering how much my plants growth will suffer if I run the 400w HPS at 50%? It's super hot here right now. Temps in grow room approaching 88+

I have ran my 600's on 50% to beat the heat. I saw no difference in plant growth really but it was not for long. I recently replace all of my lights with LED's and the temps dropped dramatically.