running out of patients


Active Member
does anyone have an idea how to cure an impatient grower? I am like 6 weeks in to my hydro grow of dwc. running 400 hps with4 150 hps for supplimental lighting. they look just beautiful I couldnt ask for anicer grow, the thing is I just want to pluck a bud and get burning iknow I have at least 3 weeks and 1 flush week and a week of drying time. but I almost can't help myself please what can I do to take my mind off the great smoke that's a month away


Well-Known Member
What he said.

Also, look around and see how you can improve things. Work out a new plan for lighting, watering, nutrition, etc.

Get in arguments in some of the really nutty forum threads :)

Those will all kill time :)


Active Member
I started a new grow. I am very up set with last week I started 56 seeds. yes 56 and so far I have had just 10 sprouted. 7 widows and 3 silver haze. so don't order from them ever. I did all the usual things needed 24 hour soak then into hydro dome with seedling heat mat. and just 10 I will continue to leave them and hopefully more will come, I have hymalayian gold just hoping they sprout. think that's why I am getting so impatient


Active Member
wow a month that's crazy. me myself as soon as it can burn I am burning it I don't have the patients to let it age a month


Well-Known Member
yeah its hard to wait but you should if you want great tasting bud, i just harvested my first grow not long ago n it was hard as hell to wait for it to mature without cutting some budz off to try it. now for my second and third grows going on right now keeps me busy enough i dont think about touching my bubble's budz yet they are also small ATM too. thats how im gonna keep myself from touching my babys budz is KEEP BUSY.


Active Member
I hear you loud and clear. I have 12 plants that are the ones I can't wait for. I have another 12 clones just waiting for the room to move into flowering and I started all those seeds. I am out of room so I have been trying to talk my buddy into a small grow witch would free up some space


Active Member
I can tell you one thing about running out of patients and trying to keep my mindoff of it is that I have a spotless grow room with perfectly manicured plants. this staying busy stuff has me doing alot of nothing