running when getting pulled over?

I have a question if I'm Driveing and have a fat sack of some fire and my good friend is sitting passanger and we happen to get pulled over and the car has a pungent oder of skunk so we are possitive the car is being searched, but my friend thinking with his head opens the door and sprints away into the corn field by the road. Would the police officer be able to get me in any legal trouble if there was nothing illegal in the car and I was sober. And would I be ok just saying I didn't know who it was and that I was just giveing some guy a ride? It's a odd question but I was curious.


Well-Known Member
LOL db, almost exactly my first thought too... followed by : Never do anything in your car, avoid having weed in your car whenever possible etc. I know for high school kids sometimes this is hard to follow, but every single person I ever knew who was busted that wasn't moving a lot of weight - it was because they were doing something in their car, either carrying something smelly, smoking or whatever.

And the cops would try to get you in trouble if they could find a way. You could plead ignorance as to what he was going to do. Might or might not hold up depending on how much your stories match etc. Short story is you'd probably get in trouble somehow either way, so don't carry weed in your car except when an absolute requirement, and even then I highly recommend walking and/or biking as it's good exercise if you have to do anything involving carrying weed.


Well-Known Member
They would do their best to fuck you over. They'd also probably tell you that if you don't tell them where/who your friend is they'll charge you with obstruction. They will try to fuck you over. That being said, those charges are better on your record than a drug charge. If this happens make a youtube video.

If your friend does this hopefully he's smart enough to toss or hide the evidence before he returns home.


Well-Known Member
Tell them dude was on parole he had a nickname like joker and he didnt want to get caught so he took off divert the attention....


Well-Known Member
Wasnt your fault but they always try to pin something on ya... throwing darts seeing what will stick thats what they do..


Well-Known Member
And obviously your fine if your making a post on rollitup... they should have ticketed you if anything and that will tell you what they are charging u with


The prosecution needs evidence.The smell would give the police reasonable cause to search for evidence.. however if they don't find anything and you are sober then your cool. also the burden of proof is on the prosecution, ie they would have to prove that your story was false (that you were giving some one unknown to you a lift) rather than you needing to prove it was true.


Well-Known Member
shoulda told em:" glad you pulled up, i just threw that asshole out for firing up in my car, go get im"...peace