Russia elected Trump

But, the amount of taxes you pay are. According to most tax code experts, they figure that lying sack of shit Trump hasn't paid a nickel in at least the last 15 years due to him writing off bankruptcies
Prove me wrong, but you can't, because your god Trump won't give up the info. I believe that the main reason is that he knows that most Americans will puke when they see it.
He's scared as shit, and I hope the IRS is working overtime to finish that return, and they will someday, and then we will see what happens then.

He employs tens of thousands of people. He pays millions if not billions of dollars per year in payroll taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc. Nobody knows what he has or has not made in the last 15 years because he has not released his tax returns. I dont think it is any of our business personally.

You want to specifically look at income taxes for a specific company or companies and disregard all the jobs he has created, the employees he has hired and keeps employed and the benefits to the society he has provided as a businessman.

It is dishonest.
He employs tens of thousands of people. He pays millions if not billions of dollars per year in payroll taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc. Nobody knows what he has or has not made in the last 15 years because he has not released his tax returns. I dont think it is any of our business personally.

You want to specifically look at income taxes for a specific company or companies and disregard all the jobs he has created, the employees he has hired and keeps employed and the benefits to the society he has provided as a businessman.

It is dishonest.

Who did you think he was going to fill his cabinet with other than experienced people from industry and government. Did you think he was going to give the cabinet positions to former Mrs. USA winners?

You told me for a year that Trump would never be president and immediately afterward you started telling me what he wasnt going to do months before he gets into office.

Pardon me for not believing a word that comes off your fingertips.
So this was what you voted for? A cabinet of kleptocrats led by the kleptocrat in chief? Are you really so dumb as to think that they care one teensy bit about the people that elected Trump? All you need to do is look at the Bush jr administration to see what happens when they take over. Sooooooooey pig!
He employs tens of thousands of people. He pays millions if not billions of dollars per year in payroll taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc. Nobody knows what he has or has not made in the last 15 years because he has not released his tax returns. I dont think it is any of our business personally.

You want to specifically look at income taxes for a specific company or companies and disregard all the jobs he has created, the employees he has hired and keeps employed and the benefits to the society he has provided as a businessman.

It is dishonest.
I don't only have bridges over rivers.

We've some international property too (London bridge, some really nice bridges over canals in Amsterdam, bridges over the Danube in at least 3 countries).
So, we were out running the roads the other day, checking out different (shitbag) towns and tiny 'cities', and I saw this:


....And immediately thought of this:


Maybe some lasers, better tires, and a sweet custom figurehead for the front?

Also, this guy's been scrounging around again, no doubt looking for another free (salmon) lunch....
