Russia Making a play for East Block


New Member
:lol: and you are what?...... shocked?

here's how it works......

1.) Hamas fires rockets at civilians....Israeli uses a costly warning system and moves its population into shelters to protect them. there are casualties but not horrific because the Govt. cares for its people.

2.) Israel responds to the threat (how dare they) with force. Hamas builds no shelters for its people, no warning system. The terrorists hide amongst women and children (so brave), leaving civilians to be mangled (makes good video)....

3.) PWHUTA - People with heads up their asses - respond with outrage to israel for defending themselves too well (?), and pour money in to help the POOR refugees.

4.) Cease fire is declared after Israel is condemned a couple of hundred times.

5.) Using the monies "earned" by innocent blood, hamas goes on a weapons shopping spree and restocks their supplies.

Repeat over and over.......

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
:lol: no! Say it ain't so!!

Iran is using their puppet Hamas to keep Israel isolated and politically unable to bomb their nuke facilities.... they are close to finishing their little puppy and want Israel distracted. Then we'll have a BIG finish!! If the bomb gets finished at 12:00 launch will be at 12:01..... then the big show begins.....this will seem like the good ol days.... lawdy :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke: