Russian Collusion The Real Slim Shady

Let’s put the Uranium One scandal in perspective: The cool half-million bucks the Putin regime funneled to Bill Clinton was five times the amount it spent on those Facebook ads — the ones the media-Democrat complex ludicrously suggests swung the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump.

Here’s the kicker: The Uranium One scandal is not only, or even principally, a Clinton scandal. It is an Obama-administration scandal.

The Obama administration also knew that congressional Republicans were trying to stop the transfer. Consequently, the Justice Department concealed what it knew. DOJ allowed the racketeering enterprise to continue compromising the American uranium industry rather than commencing a prosecution that would have scotched the transfer. Prosecutors waited four years before quietly pleading the case out for a song, in violation of Justice Department charging guidelines. Meanwhile, the administration stonewalled Congress, reportedly threatening an informant who wanted to go public.

excuse me, but aren't you the same nazi who told us that the email thing was a major scandal that would land hillary in prison?

and the same with beghazi?

and that the clintons are crazy murderers who killed like 65 people?

this is another one of those fake scandals that will go nowhere. go jerk yourself off in the corner while reading breitbart, nazi.

and staytuned for trump's campaign manager and NSA director to be indicted, with dozens more to follow after that.
Let’s put the Uranium One scandal in perspective


benghazi is an african word that translates to "nothing burger".

"uraniumone" is a russian word that translates to "distraction for nazis"
"It has recently come to the Committee's attention that employees of Rosatom were involved in a criminal enterprise involving a conspiracy to commit extortion and money laundering during the time of the CFIUS transaction," Grassley wrote in one such letter addressed to Sessions.

"It has recently come to the Committee's attention that employees of Rosatom were involved in a criminal enterprise involving a conspiracy to commit extortion and money laundering during the time of the CFIUS transaction," Grassley wrote in one such letter addressed to Sessions.

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Hes getting more and more desperate as Muellers investigation goes on.

Must be complicit somehow