Rust spots on leaves


Active Member
My plants always looks great. But when they are in flower stage they start getting tiny rust spots that get bigger. Any help would be great. I’m using jungle juice 3 part base. Grow micro and bloom. 4 ml of each and 5 ml of calmag. Ph is 6.5ED56208F-05BA-4FB0-9E49-185DFAC00A4F.jpeg


Active Member
I just started with a ph of 6.5. I was reading a few sites and a lot say 6.5 is great. They only got one watering at 6.5. I was always using ph 6.0


Well-Known Member
By any chance in the natural light does it look like this?


If it does it's called septoria, aka. Brown leaf spot


Active Member
Kinda close to that. But these start as a real small spot then eats through and has that rust spot. It’s hitting a lot of leaves. I did water with Epsom salt when I first started flowering. 1tsp for a gallon. I never checked the runoff ever. I never thought of that. But this happens on all my plants


Well-Known Member
You've just described Septoria, refer to the top picture, the little tiny spot on the otherwise perfect leaf

I have a thread in grow journals called Remo chemo where I go into a little bit of detail about how to deal with septoria on the last page and if you have anymore questions ask, good luck with it but it needs to be dealt with asap because it spreads fast, if that's what it is, and you and I both think it looks like it ?


Active Member
I definitely need to find out how to solve this fast. Where can I find out how to cure this problem?


Well-Known Member
.. can't promise you can cure it but you can find some information on how to treat it in the thread I mentioned above

To cure it if I'd had the electricity available I'd add a much larger dehumidifier, but I don't so I manage it as best as I can, for instance that Remo Chemo plant in the picture was the first to show it and was heavily affected so I chopped it, but it's already affected two other strains that were not affected last season by it at all so no weak plants stay in the grow! that's one example of managing it, good luck!
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Well-Known Member
You've just described Septoria, refer to the top picture, the little tiny spot on the otherwise perfect leaf

I have a thread in grow journals called Remo chemo where I go into a little bit of detail about how to deal with septoria on the last page and if you have anymore questions ask, good luck with it but it needs to be dealt with asap because it spreads fast, if that's what it is, and you and I both think it looks like it ?
Tbh i think your right man.
Doesn't really look like calcium lockout at all.
Thanks Beachwalker.

New disease to me.
I'll keep watching your thread too.
This Septoria is a really interesting disease.


Well-Known Member
Add some air circulation, i mean as many FAEs , fresh air exchanges, as possible. As long as your "outside" air RH is below 55-60%. Of course the lower the better any mold or fungi. Lower the pH of your leaf surface might work too. Or a milk or carbonate based spray.


Active Member
Thank you for the info. I whisper I had known about that fungicide earlier. Great to know there’s something out there for this nightmare of a problem


Well-Known Member
Dude are you going to spray it on your bud!?I'd use it in veg, but I wouldn't spray it on bud?

I've got it stopped already via baking soda/neem sprays and sulfur burns, but any leaf already infected is going to die

the prevailing thought is to remove affected leaves at the first sign, but when I get it stopped I leave them to help get the plant further along and to get new leaves growing which have no necrosis

I'm not recommending this, I'm just saying that's what I do and it seems to give best results in my situation. The exception is if I see a healthy plant with only one or two necrotic spots I will remove those leaves immediately
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for the info. I whisper I had known about that fungicide earlier. Great to know there’s something out there for this nightmare of a problem
how far into flower r u the copper does not get into plant an it washs right off,neem ,baking soda does nothing!! sulfur works just like copper except u don't have to burn that nasty stuff take ya pic spray copper or burn sulfur,also must say once a plant is infected with black spot it can not be cured only saved don't take cuts so save what ya got, an fix whatever is causing it
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Well-Known Member
how far into flower r u the copper does not get into plant an it washs right off,neem ,baking soda does nothing!! sulfur works just like copper except u don't have to burn that nasty stuff take ya pic spray copper or burn sulfur,also must say once a plant is infected with black spot it can not be cured only saved don't take cuts so save what ya got, an fix whatever is causing it
Great info, thanks!

I'm going to do both! LOL this shit's nasty I'm going to hit it as hard as possible! Gonna add 30-50pt/day dehumidifier soon cuz I'm sick of it

The burner works and there's no spraying or mess, but I read the label on the copper spray and I'm not going to use it more than I have to, but I'm comfortable with what I've heard here and read online as far as using it so I just ordered it, thanks again


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