Rx Cannabis Monsanto GMO Pharmaceutical


Active Member
I am curious IF; say in 7 years or so, Cannabis is nationally accepted for its health benefits (government stops dicking us around) how will the pharmaceutical companies get their hands in it? I know of products like Marinol etc..

Would monsato start generating seeds? And how could we PREVENT them from getting their hands in it? The caregiver/taker laws? Make each state responsible for their own medicine? I'm unsure but I feel like we need to make sure it DOESNT happen. After all; monsanto could potentially create a strain of cannabis that kills all other strains via pollenation!!!!!!! lol

Legitimately, any thoughts on this?



Sector 5 Moderator
The only way to stop the is to be very creative with certain volatile fluids and a pack of matches.


Indoor grows can be controlled well enough to prevent contamination.

Outdoor grows can be contaminated but the worst that would happen is seeds that won't produce.

Solution: only breed indoors in well controlled environments to prevent contamination or in a greenhouse that is well controlled.


Well-Known Member
With the acceptance of hemp as a industrial crop in the US and abroad . Im sure one day soon we will see GMO hemp seed . It's likely already being worked on in anouther country where the law permits.
besides the obvious financal reasons, Hemp is a good canidate for GM research , Theirs so much it used to be used for , but in the last decade or so modern tech. made the processing of other crops more viable then hemp


Active Member
The end all pollination was definitely the weed, man. However I would like to see that we maybe find SOME way to prevent it from happening. You know? When you vote for reformation of these cannabis laws, make sure you are voting for product grown in your state, by caregivers. Once the government starts seeing MORE than the taxes alone they will get greedy. They always do. Government is the manifestation and justification of greed it seems nowadays.

Now, my concern; is I know these products are unhealthy. Were talking taking a cannabis plant, a harmless plant and altering its genetic code. This could go any way they so choose to manipulate it. Thats why, in the early stages of this shit; it needs to be grandfathered in or something as a crop that they cannot touch. we as americans CAN do something like that. That is a majority of our medicine. And I'd like to see that it does NOT get contaminated.