You mean this thread??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Able To Roll A Joint
Able to roll a joint

[HR][/HR]Join Date Mar 2010Posts 96
Big thanks to PhillipChristian[/h]
So the other day I posted a couple threads, one of them was asking for help with my CO2 setup, and the other one was asking about different nutrient lines.. A guy named PhillipChristian was posting help on both threads, and eventually offered further assistance via Yahoo Messenger. So we talked on Yahoo for a few days, and he helped me out with all my issues, and we got to know eachother a little bit. After I told him about my situation (losing everything and having to re-start from the ground up, being so broke I could barely afford to set up my grow correctly), he offered to try and hook me up with some of the supplies I needed.. At first I was thinking ok theres no way this guy is actually going to hook me up, but he asked me what all I needed, so I told him. And throughout the next couple days we kept in touch, he would say things like "Ok so the fan is a go, but I cant get a filter", and "The nutrients are a go", etc.. Again, im thinking all of this is too good to be true, someone I barely know, and have never met, actually helping me out with stuff like this. But sure enough he shipped out some supplies to me, and all he wanted in return was the shipping cost. He sent me an 8" fan, 4 gallons of different nutrient additives, and a lumatek 1000w ballast. Should be arriving any day now. Long story short, this guy went out of his way to help me with my issues, and then even took it a step further by offering to get me some supplies. It truly blew me away.. And then i found out he had been banned from the forums, and I cant quite understand why someone as helpful as this would be banned. I took a look at his past threads, and he's been a huge help to alot of people, not just me. But I just thought i would put in my 2 cents about this guy, because hes certainly someone who deserves praise. Huge +rep to PhillipChristian as far as im concerned. I have no idea why he got banned, but im pretty sure im not the only one who feels this way. Hopefully the Admins will consider taking a second look at him.
Anyone else feel this way, or have anything good to say about PhillipChristian?
I couldnt help but feel the need to post this, because it makes no sense to me why hes banned.
Trich Fiend,
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209 Cali closet grower like this.
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[HR][/HR]05-17-2012, 08:27 AM
Mr. Ganja

[HR][/HR]Join Date Dec 2010Posts 3,830
Ive never heard of him.
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05-17-2012, 08:32 AM
Veteran Smoker
Mr. Ganja

[HR][/HR]Join Date Sep 2010Location Bay Area , CaliPosts 1,831Journal Entries
Everytime I saw him post he was trying to help. Seems like a good dude to me idk why he got banned. And he had nice watches , how can you not like a guy who owns a Hubolt lol
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05-17-2012, 08:34 AM
Able To Roll A Joint
Able to roll a joint

[HR][/HR]Join Date Mar 2010Posts 96
He's most active in the room design section. He has (or had) a huge thread almost 100 pages long helping people with their room designs and floor plans. Look him up and check out all of his posts.
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05-17-2012, 08:36 AM
209 Cali closet grower

[HR][/HR]Join Date Jan 2012Location Atwater, Cen valley CaliPosts 718Journal Entries
he's under a new name now?
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05-17-2012, 08:56 AM
Moddamn it!
Mr. Ganja

[HR][/HR]Join Date Aug 2010Location Living where it's legalPosts 2,521
He posts under multiple user names and even talks to himself in his own threads. Like this one, you made a thread using a different name to praise yourself. ThaTs weird and pathetic
Last edited by obijohn; 05-17-2012 at 10:47 AM.
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05-17-2012, 09:05 AM
Super Stoner
Mr. Ganja

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Originally Posted by
He posts under multiple user names and even talks to himself in his own threads.
hes his own best he is a good guy....ive been helped out several times by people here...theres some good people here and theres some bad....
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05-17-2012, 09:11 AM
420 TIME

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Originally Posted by
hes his own best he is a good guy....ive been helped out several times by people here...theres some good people here and theres some bad....
Better than:
CR500ROOST and
DSB65 like this.
"Wheels are made for rolling, mules are made to pack
I've never seen a sight that didn't look better looking back
I was born under a wandrin' star"
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05-17-2012, 09:12 AM
Veteran Smoker
Mr. Ganja

[HR][/HR]Join Date Sep 2011Posts 1,634
He's a good guy very knowledgeable on many subjects. And willing to help. The problem was there are so many trolls on him and a few other members that it dosnt take long to blow up on them. Then they report everything. Phil will be back but under another name. It won't be hard to find him. If you know what to look for.
bowlfullofbliss and
DSB65 like this.
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05-17-2012, 09:32 AM
Site Admin
Mr. Ganja

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Talking to yourself is therapeutic for people with Schizophrenia.
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