chain haul on a track..yup yup
lol isnt that from that michael j fox movie lol
lmao i get it, ur bustin my ballz lol
lol right on right on, lol to change the subject. im entering week 5 of flower and have some orange already, im thinking this will be a 7 week strain
u wont say that when u see my sativas next spring lol..
lol plz bust my ballz for this one but i myself have never tried lemon or blueberry strawberry the really taste like the fruit? does having a flavor like that take away from thc content and maybe raise the cbd? just curious..havent looked into it as of yet
right on, going to the clubs here i see alot of diff stuff, claiming 22% thc an blah blah lol, being that everything that is not thc in a mmj plant usually makes up for 75% of the plant on average it got me thinking that if u add something or take something away things can change drastically, like breeding in a flavor, what was lost by doing so...anywho im prob making no sense whatsoever lol, im an ex drinker and im having a couple wheat me lmmfao for no reason at all lol
maaan...lemme tell ya what, the sport cooler deal, it is simply AWSOME!!! it has my temps right at 58 degrees. i cant believe i even used 5gal buckets.. not a drip of water no temp change at all.. man its like a sore dick, ya just cant beat it. 4 coolers to grow my headies next round. 4 under a 600 should be good