s1, f1, f2....?


Well-Known Member
can someone explain this to me. I have sorta figured it out a bit through other posts, I know it has something to do with how close to the pure original strain the seeds are, but can someone explain the labeling system to me.


Well-Known Member
haha that first pic is showing how plant alleels work....as for s1 a s1 is a seed created by a plant with itself when hermed an self pollinates.....f1threw f? refers to the generation of seeds from the origainl p1 or parent stock....ibl refers to when you use one of the f generations to back cross with the original p1 to hormongise a specific trait....boxing a strain refers to when you use an original cross with the p1 stock...such as jackcleaner2 which is the jackcleanerxjack the ripper....peace az


Well-Known Member
"haha that first pic is showing how plant alleels work" Exactly. Which helps to explain why f1 is more stable or reliable regarding traits of interest than f2.