Sad Droopy Leafs Help (over water/under water or nute def)


Hello Rollitup

I'm on week 4 day 22 of my grow. Til last night things seem to be normal. This morning I woke up to some funky looking leaves.

Current temp are between 72F lights off to 84F lights on with 2 fans blowing. I've given nutes 2 times. Once on week 2 at 1/4 strength and again on day 20 same nute strength. Alaska Fish fertilizer 5-1-1 and tap water sat out for at least 48hrs. Soil is a mix of FFOF and Ecoscraps brand with added Perlite.

I was thinking either the led is to close (currently at 26 inches above) and CFL (about 4 inches above plants) or i need some different nutes like calmag?



Well-Known Member
I'm confused by your LED 26 inches above which should be fine but you also have a CFL 4 inches above the plants? That sounds way too close to me but I don't use CFL. Just based on the pics, I'd say you've over fertilized and over watered.


I'm confused by your LED 26 inches above which should be fine but you also have a CFL 4 inches above the plants? That sounds way too close to me but I don't use CFL. Just based on the pics, I'd say you've over fertilized and over watered.
I was able to resolve the issue. I guess my tent got hot during a power outage and the plants used up a bit more water than expected. I ended up watering them without nutes or sugar til I got about 20% runoff and set them back under the lights. When I woke up this morning, all the plants seemed to be doing a lot better. Leaves are looking healthy and the plants grew about an extra 2 inches or so.
I use the LED and CFL setup to increase lumins. I'm new to this so I figured more light is better. I did lift the cfls to about 8 inches instead of 4 and that seemed to cause the to stretch upwards over night.