Sad Plant!


I have just been out of the country for 6 months and i left a northern lights growing with a friend, its under CFl's but My flowering bulb has been smashed and this person continued to force flowering with a "cool white bulb"

Flowering has started but plant is very soft and limp like, i have a red CFL on the way but will this be enough to save her???

Its been flowering for around 3 weeks under the cool white lamp and its about 4 1/2 foot tall

Any tips or tricks to strengthen her up and get the best yeild?



Active Member
4 1/2 foot is a big plant to put under a cfl light, it would be best under a 250w-400w hps, i have grown and flowerede under cfl's before and never had any good buds, they seem to be small and fluffy. go with a hps light if you can, i think the plant will be ok, infact why dont you use both bulbs, that would work.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I skirt my budding table with four foot coolwhite flouresents with my 1000w/hps. I have budded with hologen, metal halide and mercury vapour bulbs. If you can afford it I'd go with hps lighting if I were you. Even if you got a 150w/hps it would work with your other lights. If you are going to go with less than a 400w/hps, get a couple of 150w/hps. 150w/hps' are now very commonly used for exterior lighting.