Sad Plants with leaf issues. PICS

Hi all. I hope that someone out there can help.

My system:
Aeroponic (homemade)
Nutes: H&G Aqua flakes w/full line of additives
PH:5.8 (never higher than 6.2 or lower than 5.6)
Mist cycle: 1min on, 5 off (has great coverage)
EC (week 2): 1.3
Extra additives: CALMAG 5ml/gal
RES SIZE: 12 gal
Lights: cloner & Moms, T5 - Veg 400w Hortalux HPS
Temp: 77 at top of canopy
C02 : 1200-2000ppm

I have some Power Plants (first run with PP) that are in week 2 of veg (cloned from mother). I recently switched from a flood and drain to a homemade aeroponic system. Took two weeks to root in the clone machine, looked GREAT. At that point I had not made the large aeroponic system yet. So, i drained the clonex, washed, and put a MILD nutrient solution in the cloner (stayed there for 10 days). Everything seemed fine...

Well now they are in the large system. The leaves started with some discolorations and turned to patches of rusty spots. Over the course of 5 days the leaves have gotten worse.

I have done a fair amount of research, including the FAQ and the bible. Leaning toward a MAG deficiency, but would love some feedback. The new nutes (res was filled 4 days ago) have CALMAG added at 5ml/gal.

The roots look healthy. Do have a slight discoloration (brown ish) which I attributed to the Algen Extract (as part of the H&G line).

The pic of the bug is (I think) a thrip. Found him (or maybe her) a day or so ago. Only one. Sprayed with neem (Einstein) and castile soap. Have not had any bug problems so far. Would like to keep it that way.


The last pic (single leaf, WORST damage) was taken today. The others were taken two days ago. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
It definitely looks like a cal/mag issue. You've already taken the right steps to correct it. Hopefully they will improve soon.
Thanks guys. I have been using the CALMAG since the beginning. So I am not sure why this would be happening now. I ended up draining the res last night, flushing for a 15 minutes with PHed RO water. Then I refilled with a slightly less potent nutrient solution. I did notice the PH climbing to the 6.3 range before I brought it back to 5.8. Maybe I will try and stay on top of the PH.

Any other suggestions? What causes a light browning of the roots? There is an algae extract in the mix. This is my first bare root setup. (usually they are hidden, and have caused me no concern)

Thanks again
GeneticFreak: to clarify about the nutes. H&G is set up as a system. There is a base nute, plus, plus, plus... It fell within the acceptable range on the feed chart. 640ppm is within range. I realize that diffferent plants require different PPm. I have to do a res change tomorrow. I am goiing to drop it down a little to see is that helps.

Any other thoughts? Thrips????
