Sad Story today


Active Member
So today I didn't feel like going to work at all and I "milked it" and played sick. I didn't tell my parents either cause they would get pissed. So me and my buddy Elizabeth hung out on the park at the highest point just watching the view and then she had to get to class (college) and I drove to my college too. I met my other friend at my college and then we both left to get a quick snack at taco bell then as I was driving to the drive thru we saw this lady and I joked around (I tend to alot sometimes in a mean way) and said that she was a prostute and then my friend laughed and she started walking to my car and I said ohhhh shit and I drove out soo fast. Then I did a big circle around taco bell, parked in the front of and we both went in to eat. I didn't know what I wanted to eat so I was looking at the menu then this older lady and her friend walked in with that same lady who I thought looked like a prostitute just standing outside a restaurant but yet she looked like a lady in her mid-ages who went through one hell of a roller coaster and had some major money downfalls. The lady and her friend bought her some food. She told them that she lost her job and that shes been doing odd jobs to try and get money. She hugged the ladies goodbye and they left. Her food was out. She had the biggest smile when the worker handed her the food. The lady then picked up some hot sauce's and then left. I felt so teriable inside. But I didnt want to show my true feelings but yet I didn't want to feel weak but now I'm thinking about it more and more.......

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Hey man, you didn't know what was really going on with this woman when you made that joke, it's all cool, just a lesson learned. I'm not gonna hate you for it.


New Member
i drive a piece of shit grand am.. lol, sorry I misunderstood the post.. i was drunk and im drunk right now.. so rep+ to you sir


Well-Known Member
orangestar, the fact that you felt bad once you found out proves that you're not a couldn't possibly have known or be held accountable for making a joke
+rep to cheer you up