Safe distance for pollen?


Active Member
Hi. Outdoors. Putting out several females that I am treating to make seeds. What is a recommended safe distance outdoors to keep from cross pollinating? They should likely only be about 3 foot tall plants. Also.....not about 1/4 mile away is a place where someone keeps bees.....any idea on that issue as well?

mane thanks



Active Member
Yah.... I had sort of forgot about the bees until I was writing the post. They have about a dozen hive boxes.

Was hoping something like 150 feet apart would be sufficient. Most info I have seen online is either about large crops like corn or more about groups of plants. A vid on YouTube shows a guy in Australia that grows about 30 monster females and then maybe 5 males. He says only "a distance away". Hmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
bees depends on the area they are some are know to travel up to 20 miles to gather pollen

umm the safest way to do it is in 2 different air pressurized rooms
as for outside..............atleast football feild with alot of other veggie in the way ........if at all possible try keep all the none seeding females up wind of the ones u are going to make seed


Well-Known Member
Since you are trying to make seeds

you can cover up a branch with a very fine mesh cloth , and hand pollionate , this works well with many vedgi's , It may work with MJ but you would have to keep the bag on longer

They even make special bags just for that purpose , well for vedgi's and fruits atleast


Well-Known Member
In a straight line parallel to primary wind direction. But your best bet is like suggested, keep males isolated and hand pollenate with a paint brush or the like. You cannot prevent natural pollination by bees or wind or rain, but you can make it harder for Nature to do it.


New Member
as to exactly how far I don't thing can ever be determined. Too many variables. winds, tress, or lack of. whether or not the seeds you found were even a result of your male plant(theres more guys growin in the woods than ya think). Id say 1/4 away an some dense forest should be good, once your male starts opening his flowers cut off an area of sacs, put it into a ziplock, go home shower and change, grab a paintbrush and spray bottle of water. open just enough of the bag to get the brush in. get the bristles to collect some pollen brush/dab on area u want to pollenate and spray down the plant shortly after(helps prevent unwanted spread of pollen). go there ONLY to pollenate, don't go grabbing and smelling or watering or anything that could cause inadvertent pollination, go there to pollenate, go home and wash clothes and get rid of your pollen baggy and brush( you don't really have to toss it, but keep it sealed long enough for the pollen to no longer be active)


Well-Known Member
Hi. Outdoors. Putting out several females that I am treating to make seeds. What is a recommended safe distance outdoors to keep from cross pollinating? They should likely only be about 3 foot tall plants. Also.....not about 1/4 mile away is a place where someone keeps bees.....any idea on that issue as well?

mane thanks

Sorry Dog such thing, as they say in Hollywood ....nature will find away ...even in a greenhouse