New Member
Hello RIU, I'm hoping that this grow journal will demonstrate my style of sustainable ,cost effective organic MMJ cultivation, it will also show the cost and the amount of work involved.
So, let's get growing, we have many harvests ahead, however, we begin in my current Mother room,where we find a few theroughbreads, some were donated, some were purchased from attitude.All feminized this year, eccept Chernobyl which haven't been sexed yet,we'll discuss the strains later, here a few pics of Mother room day time & night mode, enjoy, current conditions today outside temp45f, hum 95%, room 66\70
So, let's get growing, we have many harvests ahead, however, we begin in my current Mother room,where we find a few theroughbreads, some were donated, some were purchased from attitude.All feminized this year, eccept Chernobyl which haven't been sexed yet,we'll discuss the strains later, here a few pics of Mother room day time & night mode, enjoy, current conditions today outside temp45f, hum 95%, room 66\70