Safe Harbour 420 days by DirtStar


New Member
Hello RIU, I'm hoping that this grow journal will demonstrate my style of sustainable ,cost effective organic MMJ cultivation, it will also show the cost and the amount of work involved.
So, let's get growing, we have many harvests ahead, however, we begin in my current Mother room,where we find a few theroughbreads, some were donated, some were purchased from attitude.All feminized this year, eccept Chernobyl which haven't been sexed yet,we'll discuss the strains later, here a few pics of Mother room day time & night mode, enjoy, current conditions today outside temp45f, hum 95%, room 66\700519151238a.jpg 0519151238a.jpg 0527151409.jpg 0519151238a.jpg 0519151238a.jpg 0527151409.jpg


Well-Known Member
sounds and looks extremely interesting..... im SO along for the ride. please keep us updated. Peace and best wishes wit ur grow.....i wanna know what those "throughbreds" are>>>:D


New Member
Welcome aboard, its the second day of June and its been in mid 40s douring the day , raining,cut 4 trays of clones, 1 sour jack,3 fruity chronic juice, 6 more to go, pic is of mothers after, ready to flower shortly, peace0602151901.jpg 0602151909.jpg


New Member
K,its june5,I had some commitments,add normal upkeepof the pharm, more cloningdone and the flower room has been cleaned, mother room has been unplugged and all moms are strictly on daylight, I do not forsee a frost, so next week we gonna start to flower, and prep the outside for the remaining moms, than clone like mad, peace, next post Sunday, DirtStar.0605152020.jpg


New Member
Sunday, June 7, cleaned, sulfured & sterilized flower room, pic 1, starting to flower tonight 12 fruity chronic juice &1 sour jack,pic 2 (day mode),alsow whatered everything including remaining moms,pick 3, moms,sour kush,trouthband, strawbery cough,black russian,killer kush,starbud, fools gold0607151403.jpg 0607151402.jpg 0607151339.jpg



New Member
There are advantages in flowering in the shipping box, its secure, almost hermetically shut, light proof & on sunny days it selfcleans bu getting up to almost 180 *f! Also, no lights!


New Member
Wensday June 10, flowering the box, done cloning fruity chonic juice, about to set up the fall harwest in back 40 & greenhouse, have roots on clones already, look for them on craigslist & Medical Marijuana peace,
DirtStar0610151556.jpg 0610151557.jpg 0610151557a.jpg



New Member
July1st, its raining, clones are almost rooted, the rest go in dirt today, than clone room is ready for more,almost done planting greenhouse and back 40, still flowering the box, here are some picks0701151016a.jpg 0701151017.jpg 0701151016.jpg 0701151015.jpg