Thank you everyone for your input, I went with the 99% isopropyl which I ordered through Grainger supply. It was $25 for a gallon, nothing compared to the cost of the green. The oil turned out great, I used a rice cooker to cook off the solvent. I used 5 ounces of premium indoor bud and mixed it with the solvent, i let the solvent sit with the bud for too long because the first rice cooker broke down so it was a little chlorophyll heavy. I then filtered the bud and solvent through a couple bubble bags then put the solvent in a rice cooker. The rice cooker slowly boiled the solvent down and I continued to add the solvent until I was out. After almost all the solvent was boiled down, I picked up the rice cooker and kept the oil moving to prevent it from burning. The rice cooker automatically switched to low heat once it was just the oil left. I then purchased a small pan (egg cooker) and put the oil in it then placed it on the coffee warmer. Make sure to let the coffee maker cycle before placing the oil on it, almost had a tragedy. I let all of the bubbles cook off to make sure all of the solvent had evaporated, make sure there are no bubbles. I yielded about 4 tablespoons of oil, im not sure what the weight is but it is plenty to last a few months. I put the oil in syringes and the dose is about the size of a half a grain of rice right now.
She was taking the medicine every night for awhile. She developed thrush (bacteria infection in the throat) due to the chemo weakening her immune system and the oil made her sick a couple times, I think because she hadn't been eating due to the bacteria infection. She has done 2 rounds of chemo, she was on the oil after the first round and her breast and abdominal tumors had been shrinking. She completed her second round of chemo last week and the tumors have not shrunk this time, unfortunately they have grown. I am hoping the tumor shrinking previously was due to the oil. She wants to try the oil again now that her thrush is gone and she is eating again.
I Will keep updating and thank you all very much for the input.
Lessons learned:
-Do not use the rice cooker outside when it is too cold, because the rice cooker will burn out.
-If possible, make sure the patient is healthy enough to take the oil, or it will make them sick.
-Keep the patient informed of the benefits of the oil and the studies done.
-Don't increase the dosage too quickly and start off very small.