Safe To Toke This?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm saying there is no need to wreck your lungs and throat, it's not addictive enough to warrant it :) Worst you get is a sleepless night and a boring evening, you get over it fairly pronto :D

This is how i waste my weed when i'm bored :lol:

I ran out before harvest as a result of things like that but ya know what, it's really not the end of the world, i didn't start rinsing the pot and cup with alcohol in an attempt to gain that morsel of THC, i'd rather not get high at all than get a tiny bit high and be left wanting more for the rest of the day :)


Active Member
Only when I'm on acid. And what's this too? I never claimed to believe in Bigfoot. You sure ASSume a lot. :p
haha sorry I'm just messing man, I knew you were just making a little people joke, but you made that bigfoot thread so I couldn't resist typing that, haha I hope you can understand.


Well-Known Member
smoke the shit get high enjoy it and when yuou get money you will really appreicate your pot..........but shit happens........smoke it.