SAFETY Inspection?!!?


Active Member
Okay, so my building is having a safety inspection today..

I had to tear down my WHOLE setup in my closet and hide it all. I have our four plants chillin in my room with me, but I don't know if they are coming in our room.

I can hide the Otishia(2 foot plant) in our closet and not be seen, but it will be in darkness..It hasnt started 12/12 yet, will this be bad for it?

The other two can easily go somewhere they can never find..

I am just worried about putting the big plant in darkness and poppin it back out and it all goes awry!

Anyone know what i should do? or what consists of a safety inspection?



Well-Known Member
it might stress it, but it will not mess it up to bad. She will fix herself with time if it does stress it some.


Well-Known Member
A safety inspection for my apartment consisted of them checking all rooms for structural issues, then they check under every sink for leaks ect. They also check the HVAC system. They have no reason to go into your closet. I left my grow going, light on and everything, I did how every put a key lock on my closet and sealed up any light leaks prior to the inspection. A lot of people have worries over safety inspections that have nothing to do with growing (ie: pets not on the lease, damage to the unit among other things). So just ask your main office when the inspection will be to your building (wont raise any eyebrows, its a valid question, you want to know when someone you don't know is going to be in your home w/o supervision) and either 1) take that day off or 2) get your grow stealth in your closet before that day.

Speaking for personal experience here man, they have no reason to go into your closet, so lock that bitch and seal off any light leak so not to raise and suspicion. If they ask you why you locked your closet simply say you have $100's of dollars worth of electronics (or something else you have) that you did not trust being out when the inspection was taking place, and if they do need to see your closet make then tell you when they will be back and move it to your bathroom and lock that bitch up :)

Hope this helps, don't sweat it, I have been through 2 with grows going both times, light on, 3 weeks into flower, no carbon filter... not saying you wont have a noisy inspector but mine are pretty much a non issue for me. Put yourself in the inspectors shoes, he has (at my building at least) 100's of units to inspect, he is not going to go over your place with a fine tooth comb.
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Active Member
werd, i am at ease now.. thanks so much for those words. im gonna get the doors all sealed up and change the doorknob. ahh, yet another home project to fill my time!! thanks!


Well-Known Member
Yep no problem. I had the same worries as you my first inspection, best of luck getting your grow all buttoned up. FYI key locking door handles are fucking expensive compared to their non locking brothers...