Safety of consuming (non-illegal) substances ordered online?


Well-Known Member
So, after reading about its usefulness in lucid dreaming (something I'm an avid fan of), I ordered some 8mg galantamine caps on I was thinking about it today when the package arrived though, and I kind of think it's sketchy. I mean I'm sure it's a stupid thought, but I have no way of knowing what's in these capsules, for all I know they're filled with cyanide.

What's your take? Has anyone here ordered from smartpowders? Any testimonials, etc? I'm going to google around to check on the legitimacy of the site, it was recommended to me on a lucid dreaming website. Either way, I'm a bit paranoid, and wanted some other people's opinions.


do what you want but im careful about everything i put in my
body so i would be very wary of something like this.

Also look at the other ways of producing lucid dreams they seem
a little easier than taking supplements to induce them.


Well-Known Member
do what you want but im careful about everything i put in my
body so i would be very wary of something like this.

Also look at the other ways of producing lucid dreams they seem
a little easier than taking supplements to induce them.
First off, it should be pretty clear that I'm also wary of this, and also being careful about what I put into my body. Secondly, I'm an experienced lucid dreamer, who's explored several different methods of attaining lucidity, and galantamine is something that appeals to me in that it's another way to achieve that, etc.

And while I value the hard work that I've put into lucid dreaming, I don't see how anyone can argue that there's an easier way to do it than taking a pill.

And no, I'm not doing acid or any other hallucinogen. We have a specific forum for that, everyone here talks about potentially illegal activity all the time, so if I had LSD, I would ask about it there.
Galantamine is an alkaloid that is obtained synthetically or from the flowers of the Caucasian (Voronov’s snowdrop), Galanthus woronowii (Amaryllidaceae) and related genera like Narcissus (daffodil), Leucojum (snowflake) and Lycoris including Lycoris radiata (Red Spider Lily),Galantamine is used for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease and various other memory impairments, particularly those of vascular origin.

Some people who practice lucid dream (LD) or out-of-body experience (OBE) use galantamine to increase their odds to achieve LD or OBE. By taking small amount of galantamine (around 4 to 8 mg) after five to six hours of deep sleep and practice an induction technique such as meditation, MILD or WILD many people report more success with galantamine.

There are also reports that taking galantamine without proper induction technique will not lead to LD or OBE but will result in only a vivid dream instead. It should also be noted that due to a long half life Galantamine will stay in the body for a period of up to and over 48 hours, as such it is advisable to space out the use of Galantamine over a period of three days so that the body does not build a resistance to the drug ruining its effectiveness.

Galantamine used with choline bitartrate or Alpha-GPC can dramatically increase one's odds of becoming lucid and increase memory consolidation during dreaming.Some people report mixing galantamine with other nootropic can enhance the degree of lucidity, but this is still controversial since some mixtures may work for some people, but lead to failure for others.

Considering these facts and the site that you bought, i would suggest you send a sample to a lab too find what is inside the capsule.


Well-Known Member
"Considering everything you almost certainly already knew about galantamine given what you've stated in this thread, and as an expert in the field from my twelve seconds of research on wikipedia, my suggestion is that you pay around 7 times what the caps cost you to find out what they are."

Thank you for that well reasoned and practical advice.


Well-Known Member
tell me, when you buy a bag of weed, do you send a sample to a lab to ensure it's not cut with another substance? You have know other way of knowing.