SAGE n' Sour RX Green solutions nutes

Yeah fill us in man, what medium did you use and How many plants did you do? And what size light?

That shit looks exactly like mine right now, nice robust orange hairs, with the pointy christmas tree shaped flowers. Super frosty and smells incredible.

Check the begining if this journal, I got all the specifics laid out. It was two plants in 3 gal pots of promix HP, I added extra perlite, under 1k HPS
While I'm waiting for the cure I got 6 SNS clones about to start flowering and poping a few freebies I've been waiting to try out:

HSO- purple trainwreck, Bubbas Gift & 707 Headband

Reserva Pirada- Tangie

Elemental- 5th Element

G13 Labs- Gigabud

I think that was my only Reg freebie so fingers crossed

Im still waiting for these damn trichs to turn on these sours man. Bout be end of wk 8, they looked done over a week ago appearance wise and bulk but trichs still havent turned a little amber the way I want them. Im hoping end of next week or middle. I noticed alot of people saying same thing about this strain. It gets to the ripening stage quickly then takes an extra few weeks to mature completely. Hairs all turned in week 6. Same for you??
I cut a piece of the Fruity Chronic Juice down to sample. Day 52 right here super frosty, smells like hawaiin punch mixed with some haze.

Got some nice purple tones in all the tips and leaves. Ill post some pics I forced the sours to turn purple ill put up some pictures in a bit when I get over to my spot and put up some shots. Got some hugggeee chunks coming out of these ladies.

Got curing bud leveled at approximately 62% RH in glass jar. Weighed out my stash at a little over 11oz, so not to bad for what ended up being kind of a rush job due to travel plans. Everything is still a little green smelling with notes of sage and fruit so I'll be doing a final report once it's cured to my satisfaction.
Been busy but wanted to wrap up this journal.

Sage N Sour cured out nicely after a little over a month, I sampled throughout and potency flavore and smell came out nicely over time. My pheno doesn't have an overpowering super stinky smell, it's a subtle earthy spice, like sage :) when you squeeze a bud or grind some up the sage intensifes and more spice/herb notes come through with very pleasant sour fruit tang. Smoke is is smooth with very little taste just a hint of sage and sour, I will make some minor tweaks on my next round with her and see if I can coax out more flavor.

High is a creeper, very up and happy, social, functional if you don't overdo it. Has a very antidepressent effect for me at low doses that's hard to explain but it's like I forget I even had any I just feel upbeat and motivated. It's a little more racey and slightly psychedelic at high doses. Defiantly a day smoke, I tried some after a LONG day (12+hrs) of work and it woke me back up. It does mellow out after a bit and I just have a little smile in my brain without that tired feeling. This is good medicine for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I've been hunting for an up, social and functional smoke that doesn't get me parinoid or blow my mind away to much haha, so after this next round with her under better conditions I'll see if I'm going to keep her but for now I'm satisfied.

I give it about an 8.5/10 for a Sativa Hybrid. I wasn't looking for knocked in the face high so this was totally acceptable for my needs.

7/10 delicious but very subtle, have to break the bud up a little to bring it out, like a fine wine, sweet and complex. I give it a lower rating on the smell more for bag appeal if that's your thing, I think Sage N Sour has a unique combination of terpines that I really am starting to enjoy, it's no commercial stinky skunk more of a hand crafted cup of artisan tea or something :)

7/10 this my be due somewhat to my haste starting this grow, along with the smell (maybe, maybe just genetics) flavor is by no means bad, very smooth but light in any taste, tastes a little like it smells. Possibly with a little more organic input, longer flower and improved drying/curing methods I could have had the flavor/smell dialed in better.

I had to flip these two before their full vegg out under my scrog net so I'm not really qualified to put out a good number. For my conditions it yielded to my satisfaction, for a Sativa dominate hybrid I think she yielded well so 7.5/10 haha

Ease of growth:
9/10 did well being topped, fim, trained. Handled cold and heat well without stressing badly.

8/10 this strain has some very nice qualities. Very upbeat, happy, social high. Not overpowering and good medicinal benifits as an antidepressant/anxiety with mild pain managment. Yield was average/slightly above average for its type and along with flavor and smell improved growing practices I think this could be more top shelf herb for medicinal users like me.

I have a very demanding job, work long shifts that rotate between day/night and this herb has helped me cut back on alchohol and overall have a better mental attidude. It's worth a shot and there's some different phenols out there to find.
I have have a second round of these going that we're vegged all summer outside while the first round was flowering. Six SNS in 3gal pots of Promix, auto drip feed, CO2 now that I have my 30 pint dehumidifier and upgraded ventilation, 1k hps. I may post a couple updates here, mainly to report if this strain improves at all under better conditions.

I'm trying out Advanced Nutrients (I know boo, nooby, sucker..blah blah) but a lot of the really experienced hydro growers around here are using it and it's also about the same price as other brands now that there's a new hydro shop that opened by some local growers that got tired of being ripped off by the local "your mom's" garden supply store. But the main thing I hope works out is the ph perfect because a have really excellent well water but it's a little alkaline so I have to adjust ph a lot and I don't have time with my work and family so I'm trying to automate my setup. So Vegged with RX solutions, flowering with Conneseur PH Perfect, Nirvana, B52, and Bud Candy with Axiom Harpin folier.
Well after a 3 day power outage these girls are still thriving. I was able to run my generator enough to keep a decent light cycle and maintain minimum environmental requirements. Got a little calcium deficiency from high humidity but I couldn't run my dehumidifier and heat 24/7. So far liking the new nutrient program, haven't had to mess with the ph at all. Only loss was about $20 in co2 due to power failure, what was left in my tank.

Awesome grow. Just picked up some sage n sour seeds myself that I am excited to start. I am sure I will be returning to this journal through out their grow. Please keep us posted on how the 6 clones turn out.
Awesome grow. Just picked up some sage n sour seeds myself that I am excited to start. I am sure I will be returning to this journal through out their grow. Please keep us posted on how the 6 clones turn out.

They're in the last few weeks, I'll definitely let you know how it turns out. Last run produced some good smoke after 6-8 week cure :)
If you haven't tried Axiom Harpins then you are really missing out. Reach out to RX at and ask for a sample. They have the best customer service in the industry.. hands down.

Just remember to obv apply at least 30 mins before the lights are on.. and only every 2 weeks once fully rooted..