sage strain seeds( not cannabis, like salvia)


Well-Known Member
That shit will muck you up.... No good...... I am now suspecting that Dealers will lace their MJ with Salvia. God, I hope not..


Well-Known Member
Do a google search. Seeds are usually not viable but they do sell clones. The extracts will mess you up. The actual fresh plant isnt as powerful.

MJ dealers wont lace their shit wtih salvia because its too expenive to just mess with someones bag, has a very distinctive odor and flavor and effect.


Hey yeah you can't find seeds anywhere online, and if you do they're probably fake. You can buy live cuttings though. I would suggest visiting if you want to buy some.


Well-Known Member
I hope not. Saw a young friend literally a minute after she smoked... Brought a tear to my eye..