Saggy Titties!!!! Pics, Pics, and more pics


Active Member
fking reading this is so fking funny but plz don't give up asking keep on wat you you keeping on mano ill read more funny storys you ppl leave Aloha


im glad to see good results from good advice i have done same malnurishment thing and as soon as i gave them food fhey recoverd well. dose your nutes have a cal-mag type supliment ? technaflora is what i use my hydro is gh water farm with air stones in bottom, i know its a fucked up mess but im somwhat commited to using it due to having 24 plant rotation, but its hydro and does share issuses with others as well as its own labor intensive productive p.o.s. that it is. to the point back when i was under feeding i had probs getting the girls to recover fully recovery was fast but lacked majical nutes once treated much bettr but took about 14 days and more plant stree to gat it better . Im a newbi just dont want to see you have prolonged plant strees