Salvia 10x help


salvia is nuts in my opinion...makes me feel like ive been dragged to a different world or as someone sed..."salvia land" lol

the things u hear around u effect the trip (music, voices, etc) so i would ask the people u do it with not 2 tlk cos wen my mates did i misunderstood what they where sayin, for names of farm animals!!! then they started appearing in the trip but it was fuked up :)

very intense sometimes but well worth it


Active Member
Haha! that would be great, I read about the CIA testing lsd in another country, I don't recall the place but I know it's real, I read it from a high times, I believe they ran it through all thier tap, and shit got crazy. It's said to cause more damage then a nuclear bomb.


Active Member
And as far as tolerence and salvia, i bagged it and put it in my dresser cause it scares me, that mystical plant but one rainy day I will conquer Sally D.bongsmilie


Active Member
I've smoked it on two occasions, each one nothing happened. |: I also held each hit in for atleast 30 seconds, taking about 5 tokes on each occasion. I will admit the second time smoking after I exhaled my perception was a litter off, I felt dizzy, weird. But I still didn't hallucinate.. then after that took about 3 more hits.. still nothing. now I hear its reverse tolerence so I'm scared next time i trip it will be insane, is it even worth it? or do you think I have some shitty salvia?

monty Python

Active Member
Haha! that would be great, I read about the CIA testing lsd in another country, I don't recall the place but I know it's real, I read it from a high times, I believe they ran it through all thier tap, and shit got crazy. It's said to cause more damage then a nuclear bomb.
Rofl. That last sentence and the mental image that came with it just made my day.

Hey, i could beleive that about the CIA. Have you seen this....[video=youtube;n-rWnQphPdQ][/video]

''After 35 minutes the radio operator had become incapable of using his set. And the efficency of the rocket launcher team was also very impaired''
