Salvia - dosage question


Active Member
So I tried salvia before and I smoked 1g of 60x salvia extract in two big hits , is this high enough to fully experience the drug? I was completely lost in my head (the experience was actually pretty terrifying), I'm just wondering if there is even more to it, or was the as big as it gets?


Active Member
get's giant, uncontrollable too. Chew up some fresh leave and let them sit in your mouth.


Active Member
I think Salvia 60X is the most potent you can buy-- it's pretty damn strong anyway. Atleast it was when I was in college about five years ago.
I smoked a couple hits, leaned back against the wall on my bed, and felt like I was stuck in the wall. My vision went to hell as everything blended, in and out, and together infinitely. I also felt like I was being pulled sideways by my spine-- not in a painful way, just like my whole upper body was being pulled to the side. It was interesting, but not something I think would be fun to do regularly. If you smoked 60x, you've probably seen what it's like fully.


New Member
they have 80X extract. though i wouldn't try it. its just to much. 20X is alright and 40X is on the edge. a full gram of of 60X should have the maximum effect.


Active Member
Lol omg Salvia is so crazy.
I smoked a hitter of 30x and started drooling and laughing uncontrollably lol.
It was fucking great.
It gives you them weird pipe dreams like how you get when you trip on DXM.
Shits crazy lol.
I'd only pack a hitter, that's really all you need trust me. lol
But yes, they can get way more intense the more you smoke and the more potent it is.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Yeaah, it has reverse tolerance, more you trip the more you get fucked up. That;s why im hesitating after my first failed attempt. lol


Active Member
Yea lol I was kinda scared the first time I did it;
One time I smoked a bowl of 40x I was sitting on my couch, it felt like I was sinking into it, I got really hot and started sweating;
All I can remember is I looked over at the tv and it looked like it melted in a way, and I seen a juicy lemon on the screen;
I started falling over laughing and I almost puked because I was laughing so hard lol.
Ever since, I never did it again it was way intense lol.


Active Member
Dubious I too had the feeling of being "pulled by my spine", like right at the shoulder blades. Felt like it was pulling me sideways and down (I also felt like my face was zippered to the couch) and after every time of ripping the zipper off my face (was slightly painful), it was reattached to the couch again.

And sam, I only saw the room I was in for the first ~5 sec after exhaling the second hit...then the walls melted...


Well-Known Member
Anything over 20x is a waste, you can't make use of all that, more like a marketing scheme.

The last time i did too much salvia i thought i was being pulled into hell because the red light on my friends snake tank was on. Quite a terrifying experience, but since then salvia has become pretty entertaining and quite the wild hallucinogen