Salvia Extract


New Member

This is a thread for people who have had experience with salvia extract. If you don't know what it is I posted a definition below.

I tried salvia for the first time 2 years ago, and i got ripped. I smoked a medium sized bowl of it with 2 other people out of a water bong. I got my salvia from a local headshop called electric ladyland. I paid $65.00 for 1.5 grams, (it came in a simalar pack as the one below.). The salvia gave me a high like none other i have experienced before. It temporarily paralyzed my brain (not literally). but I remember falling out of my chair and laughing my ass off. One of the other people i smoked with said he was hallucinating, and the other one started humping a picachu statue that was nearby.

If you have an expeirence with salvia extract let me hear about it. I will also plus your rep because not many people have actually tried salvia, that i know of.


Salvia divinorum (also known as Diviner's Sage, ska María Pastora, Seer's sage, and by its genus name Salvia) is a psychoactive plant which can induce dissociative effects. Its native habitat is within cloud forest in the isolated Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico, growing in shady and moist locations.[5][6] The plant grows to over a meter high,[1] has hollow square stems, large leaves, and occasional white flowers with violet calyx. Botanists have not determined whether Salvia divinorum is a cultigen or a hybrid; native plants reproduce vegetatively, rarely producing viable seed.[7][8]
Salvia divinorum has a long and continuous tradition of religious use by Mazatec shamans, who use it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.[1] Most of the plant's local common names allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, with its ritual use also invoking that relationship. Its active psychoactive constituent is a structurally unique diterpenoid called salvinorin A,[9][10] a potent κ-opioid and D2 receptor agonist.[11][12] Salvia divinorum is generally understood to be of low toxicity (high) and low addictive potential; as a κ-opioid agonist.
Media stories generally raise alarms over Salvia divinorum's legal status and are sometimes headlined with generally ill-supported comparisons to LSD or other psychoactive substances. Parental concerns are raised by focusing on salvia's usage by younger teens—the emergence of YouTube videos purporting to depict its use being an area of particular concern in this respect. The isolated and controversial suicide of Brett Chidester received much media attention.
Salvia divinorum remains legal in most countries and, within the United States, is legal in the majority of states. However, some have called for its prohibition. While not currently regulated by US federal drug laws, several states have passed laws criminalizing the substance. Some proposed state bills have failed to progress and have not been made into law (with motions having been voted down or otherwise dying in committee stages). There have not been many publicized prosecutions of individuals violating anti-salvia laws in the few countries and states in which it has been made illegal.


Well-Known Member
I tried that exact stuff... hah... purple sticky salvia.. in the little purple tin..

I got high as fuck... I was hallucinating balls and laughing my ass off and I got hit by an old-western style train..
Good times

but I only did it once it tasted HORRIBLE


New Member
I tried that exact stuff... hah... purple sticky salvia.. in the little purple tin..

I got high as fuck... I was hallucinating balls and laughing my ass off and I got hit by an old-western style train..
Good times

but I only did it once it tasted HORRIBLE
haha thats funny, +REP for experience.


Active Member
i grew my own salvia a few years ago, much harder to grow than mj. its taken me on soo many fun little trips, and i love that it doesnt last forever. i would smoke during my lunch break, trip my balls off then go back to work clear headed and happy.


Well-Known Member
I worked at a headshop and got some of the 80 for like 80 bucks a gram. I didnt pay it but for 30 minutes I was laughing so hard I couldnt move or see. I felt like one of these....


Well-Known Member
I was tripin crazy. I felt like my body was light like paper but all my weight was in my ass. Like the bird....hahaha I was moving like that too....hahahaha


Dam I didn't know someone killed their self after taking salvia. People who have suicidal thoughts should seek help from others before taking this drug, seems like he didn't have anyone to express his emotions to, and that f@#$%^&* suckz. The feeling you have inside your head are definitely note worthy. So with that being said either jot them down in small book with blank pages/writing pad to later be told to someone with a really positive attitude daily and has alot going for themselves and also that you trust with your life and see what feed back they have.

Here's my personal opinion dropped in a similar thread within this section a few days ago...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I had 10 grams of 40x standardized at one point. I have like 2g left?

I've had some crazy breakthroughs, and I've been able to sit and work my brain to produce the trips I want.

Once, I got my vision to turn 2 dimensional. Everything was a flat plane, and I could reach out with my hands and tap on this flat plane and produce ripples like it was liquid. I could also stir my hand in this liquid to produce the same ripple effect.

And another time I felt as if I was ripped from one reality to another. Suddenly I was in a familiar living room. The living room I spent my childhood playing in. I could sense many figures/spirits with me, and I felt as if I was there for weeks. Then all the sudden everything began to dissolve. I was really sad that I was leaving home, and I didn't quite understand why I had no control over what I was seeing. Then suddenly things began to materialize and I was in a very very strange room. It took me a minute or two to actually remember who I was and the life that I was currently living. Then another 5 minutes to start feeling connection to the world I now saw, and then about 45min-1hr30min to feel comfortable in this 'new' reality.

also I find the best place for ethnobotanicals