Salvia Marijuana for sale not cool.


Well-Known Member
i know it might not always be true, but legal highs suck (in my opinion) thats why theyre legal. i heard everyone talking about how cool robotripping was untill i tried it and it was wacked and just mad me feel weird and sick and puking. why not just do k


Well-Known Member
Ketamine. Now thats good stuff! Myself and two friends took a line and my friend that was driving ended up in the middle of the roundabout. Sorry sight but a good laugh.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Salvia was a cool experience, its interesting seeing what your brain can do on that shit. The second time I did it, it worked twice as hard and had me rolling around in bong water for a few minutes, with Very enjoyable hallucinations that lasted like 10 mins after, and then you feel cold and your skin feels wet(besides bong water) and you get depressed for about 10-15 mins until you "adjust" back to normal.

Good legal trip which most people will only try once, Shrooms or 2ci are sooo much more enjoyable


Active Member
Thats a lie, salvia does not grow naturally. Well only in one small area in mexico on a hill, but it is so scarce someone wouldnt go pick it just to put it in the weed. If he had some growing in his house that would be different.